Hotels In Ireland

Will just be for a “dirty weekend”

The missus invited? I’ll send her over, I could do with some peace!!!


Yep, decent enough but dont bother with restaurant, overpriced and not great.

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Youd get killiney castle for similar money to RM

Perfect for that. If you like Indian food Rasam is nearby and worth a visit.

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Pricey oul shcones :open_mouth:

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Is Mikey Ryans a part of the Cashel Palace now or what’s going on there?

That’s fucking scandalous. Gratuity added to it for good measure too. Robbing cunts.

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Separate, but on the grounds

Oh mo Dhia :flushed:
You wouldn’t pay that in central London **

** You probably could

Same operation alright.

Once you walk in the door you know what’s coming, if not then every days an expensive school day.

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Did Thomas even have the courtesy to offer you a reach around?

Hardly a courtesy at that price.


That can’t be right surely

We need to see the scones.


Isn’t that the 5 star hotel? What did she expect?

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100 percent

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@Raylan is the lass giving out on Twitter about getting mugged off for a mug of tae and scones :open_mouth::astonished::open_mouth:


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Can’t be right
And neither the person who paid for it