How many all Ireland's in a row will jp buy?

Thats the fucking truth right there. Amazing how much easier these things appear when you have proper men in the roles. See Offaly for a prime example.

Wooly maintains it isnā€™t full time secretarys the GAA needs, its full time CEOā€™s. Heā€™s not wrong.

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Donā€™t be mean

Wooly knows.

Heā€™s a very astute hurling man. Heā€™s now coming out and trying to save Peter Casey. A real GAA philanthropist.

Good to see woolly listening to thoughts of dual manager Pat gilroyā€¦


It was funny seeing TJ Reid playing at left half back at one point in the second half yesterday.

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Cody shows how to lose with dignity.

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Oddly enough the Lk county board fucked up in that regard earlier in the year :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Thought the same thing. Iā€™d a tenner on the draw and was hootering and hollering. Also had a score.on kk to win so stopped my jumping about thinking that was a free given at the death and was on for second bet coming in. Took me a second realise was blown for full-time for what looked a clear free and within TJā€™s range.

Little said about it by kk fanā€™s after so thought there mustnā€™t have been much in it after all

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Never has the phrase ā€œfamiliarity breeds contemptā€ been so appropriate as it relates to the state of KK hurling at the moment. I donā€™t mean familiarity with Cody either. Calls will increase for him to consider his future and thatā€™s fair enough but not if the reason for the calls are because KK are heading down a road thatā€™s going to be long and bare in relation to success. If his future is called into question because weā€™ve taken our eye off the state of hurling within the county, thatā€™s fair enough also but wonā€™t change a thing. Codyā€™s days managing Kilkenny are probably approaching the end but the man who takes over the job has a job on his hands that David Moyes wouldnā€™t touch.


Now he knows how Joe Canning felt for over a decade

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Iā€™d forgotten about that actually. There was a strong hint of a free there at the end. Just inside the Kilkenny half too. It would have been robbery.

I genuinely wouldnā€™t have been happy leaving Croke Park yesterday had that free been blown and converted. Maybe a bit if excitement for a minute or 2 but no satisfaction


I might not like him in some of his business but he comes across as the best loser in the GAA. People could learn a lot from him on how he conducts himself after losses.


He seems to have lost that real edge he had, just been smoothed off over time. Itā€™s probably the only thing keeps you sane as you age, and he seems more content in general. I doubt anyone could get more from that squad, and Iā€™d absolutely love to see what he could do with Galway, but I suspect the mellowing wonā€™t help his management. Iā€™m only going by what I see on the telly though.

Cody might be mellowing a fair bit compared to a few years ago, but he still did some jump for joy when Mullen got the goal.

The scenes along the sideline reminded me of the chaos when Michael Owen scored that last minute winner vs Man City at Old Trafford in 2009.

Funny how that would have changed the narrative. If Kilkenny had sneaked the win all the talk would be of the importance of ā€œmanly hurlingā€ and that tactics and puckout strategies were only a cod.

A lean period will be good for Kk - they will navel gaze - then plan and come back strong

They came to Laois in the mid to late 90ā€™s to see study the Laois Football Development Squads and brought back Mick Dempsey with them shortly after.

I wouldnt recommend they do likewise this time.


To be fair I think the final whistle was gone a good while there, before the fouling started anyway. I had the same thought as yourself at the time but then I realised Cody was about 15 yards in the field while Walsh was trying to make his way up the line.