How many all Ireland's in a row will jp buy?

Bench pressing is pretty useless In the context of hurling isn’t it?

No squats. No deadlifts. Joyce body shape is like a ? They trained with imaginary sliotars too.:smirk:

Yeah maybe when they win their 50th one in 14 years time.

The only system that would work is a shit load of AK47s firing at will .

Mayo did that back in Fat Larry’s day. Didn’t he have to go and get imaginary gloves.

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No not completely, I prefer weight push ups though. I use bench throws for power, and excellent exercise.however the work to get benching high is a sign of misused time. You would do it early off season to build size and strength. Not in-season though.

It would suggest he was top heavy.if you can bench 1.5 your weight you’d want to be squatting at least twice your weight and DeadliftING at least 2.5 your own weight. They weren’t Deadlift in.

Every club worth their salt will be in the gym come January, in ways it’s more about getting the panel back together, that’s the theme for my club anyway.

Jumping up on boxes, doing squats and pull ups etc will only get you so far. The strengthening of the core is definitely worthwhile though.

Ballwork against the hurling wall for me is how an average hurler can improve to be a good hurler etc etc…

These new hurling walls aren’t nearly as good as the proper old-style handball alleys.

They did Squats alright.extremely poor ones.

No DeadliftING

Why not accept I know an unbelievable amount more about both the subject and what exactly they were doing and that I am experienced and qualified enough to know it was done by a complete and utter bluffer who like alot of track/running athletes who became PT’S, Physio’s or strength coaches all seem to be bizarrely obsessed, very incorrectly, with field players doing long runs and little or no leg weights.
It’s bananas.

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Who told you? The lad who said they had no sliotars to train with. :blush:

You said Kingston was forced out. I know him. I know he wasn’t.

I know you know your stuff but I think your information is suspect sometimes.

Players, friends of management, workmates of management. Take your pick.
The fact that Kingston or you don’t know about the sliothars doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

I witnessed some of the strength training, and since basically got a full run down from a player.

For what it’s worth, Landers has rarely been liked by anyone, so that’s not a new thing. Cody, Ferguson et al show you don’t have to be though. You just can’t be a bluffer as well as unlikeable.

The thing is this is not a very strong KK team. Poorest full back line I can remember, Joyce is not a great centre back (very slow) and you have at least 3 forwards who wouldn’t have got within an arses roar of the team 6/7 years ago. KK were there for the taking all year, simple fact is, the standard of hurling has gone down so much there isn’t anyone else to take up the fight. Jackie will most likely retire this year. Richie Power is more or less gone now due to injuries and Larkin doesn’t have much more to give (unbelievable servant). Richie Hogan and TJ are different class, but outside those two KK are very beatable.


Ah jesus Kev, you should never give up an opportunity to call @Appendage a fucking idiot.

Will you be revising this one after Sunday?

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Yes. They’re in trouble for the next few years. Reckon they mightn’t win another one for 5 years.

Kieran’s have just won three in a row colleges. They’ll start another era of dominance in 5 years. I’m revising downwards to 3-4.

How many will Waterford win?

They should be winning a few with what they have. The complete lack of composure in tight finishes and excitability both on the sideline and on the field would lead be to believe they’ll blow it with this latest crop of talented hurlers as well.

I’d agree somewhat - the previous generation were somewhat unlucky they came up against that KK team and an exceptional Cork team during that period, that said, they did blow at least one all Ireland for various reasons. I think this next crop are just as talented and surely won’t meet a team like that previous KK team again, but Tipp do have the potential to dominate however, they don’t have a Brian Cody!

This thread makes for some interesting reading a year on…

I was having this argument with a fella the other night, he was on about Kilkenny being back with a vengeance next year, and I had to ask “with what?” Tipp were supposedly going to dominate when they won in 2010 as well, but the circumstances are vastly different. It’s worth putting here the team Kilkenny were able to field in the 2011 All Ireland:

D. Herity, J. Tyrrell, N. Hickey, P. Murphy, T. Walsh, B. Hogan, J. J. Delaney, M. Fennelly, M. Rice, E. Brennan, R. Power, H. Shefflin, C. Fennelly, E. Larkin, R. Hogan

The KK team that takes the field next year will be light years from that. They won’t go away, but I’d be surprised to see them in the Final next year. As much as it sickens me to say it, Tipp are well placed to be top dog for the decade, barring any overly dangerous dalliances with football. Plenty coming through underage. A change of management could reap big rewards for Clare who should have the age profile at this stage to be seriously challenging, if too much damage hasn’t already been done. Writing off Galway on nothing other than a whim, I’ll say Waterford are best placed to challenge Tipp next year if they can mantain the motivation - they should be at the right stage of their “development”.


Tipp 4
KK 3
WD 1
Galway 1
Cork 1