How many all Ireland's in a row will jp buy?

Donā€™t come the poor mouth with me you cunt. Galway will batter ye like they did this year.

All Galway had to do was get over the power house that is Dublin and/or Waterford and they might have had their shot.

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All they had to do was get rid of Mr Beige, but heā€™s patā€™s bird.

No poor mouth kid ā€¦ weā€™re in a great position,. But things change rapidly in sport. Weā€™ll be there or there abouts for the next 4 years youā€™d imagine alright.

Iā€™d expect Limerick to do the three in a row at a canter. Theyā€™ll probably pick a different team to bate in the final next year.

I think 2023 might have more cut about it.

Arenā€™t Caroline Currid and Paul Kinnerk supposed to be leaving this year? Whatā€™s the latest on that?

If they go it could be the end of the wins.

No, Caroline Kinnerk is leaving. Paul Currid is staying on.

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Itā€™d be interesting to see how Limerick would cope if they had to play a big game without Cian Lynch in the way that Kilkenny had to do without Shefflin in 2010. Kilkenny would probably have done 7 in a row but for that injury


Limerick would be sunk without Lynch, psychologically more so than anything else. He is that good.

Werenā€™t they missing Brian Hogan too that day? Jaysus, we were blessed to score the 4-17 against them.

they will in their bollix leave
They wont earn what they get from JP with any other team in the country professional or otherwise

Heā€™s fucking brilliant. Iā€™ve said it loads of times here over the last three or four years that heā€™s my favourite hurler in the country thatā€™s not wearing blue & gold (and sure he does that for the clubā€¦) . If you donā€™t enjoy watching him playing hurling, you donā€™t like hurling.


Currid will get whatever she wants from any team she wants to be honest.

Sheā€™s gone to Munster rubby - theyā€™ve sunk the money they were gonna spend on a motorway to Cork into her instead.


Weā€™ll get Tony Og Regan back. Be grand.


Kinnerk is being linked to Southampton academy.

ā€¦ and Kinnerk is always talking about other sports.

Of course he is - his PhD was on coaching pedagogyā€¦ Iā€™m sure he studied all sports in the process and borrowed accordingly

Heā€™s running away from his biggest challenge

His biggest challenge was putting up with Davy