How much will a visit to the vet cost these days?

Cat has tapeworms and I want the little bitch treated.

A cat? You fucking mug.

Is Princess ok?

Just tapeworm mate, she’ll pull through.

She’s holding up well but now has to cancel her nail appointment in the morning to bring the cat to the vet…fucked if I’m doing it.

Did ya ever think of worming the cunt

A vet? Fuck that. Vaginal wipes will right most things. Tear one up and mix it with her food and you’ll get the fuckers.

Princess smelly fanny has plenty of them on hand.

fucking getting the nails done on a tuesday…is she treating herself to a big night out with the micky money?..

A cat? Ah, choco…come on, man.

Princess owned it before moving up to Limerick, pal. I’m not ashamed to say I love it. Cats rock.

Will one of ye fuckwits answer the mans question?

You can do that yourself.

Bullshit…The fact that they are sometimes referred to as pussies is their only redeeming feature. Drown it…Wahey!!!

Few hundred.

Bout three fiddy

The scraggy wee shits

Yeah, but I’ve read that most over the counter stuff is shite…

They suck balls, dude. Sneaky, selfish little cunts. They’re even horrible to pet. No, pal they just don’t cut the mustard.