Huel. Unreal. 2019 new and improved

I was on a international business trip the last few days and was forced to eat food on a few occasions, it set me right back

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Are you giving up huel for Lent mate?

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11 pounds in six weeks. Not far off where i need too be

This shit is bananas


I had huel, cacao and walnuts with almond milk for my dinner last night, I was full until lunchtime today


How many bananas shits have you had?

How many meals you replacing? Doing anything else?

2 a day Monday to Friday, once at day at weekends. Not doing anything out of the ordinary aside from that. 2 hurling sessions a week and the odd cardio session.

Christ lads, have ye seen the molecular structure of Xanthan Gum?

Ye are literally tearing holes in ye’re gut walls

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It’s insane what they are doing to their gut, which is their second brain.

Lads would be better off fasting if they haven’t time for meals. Far greater benefits from it.

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Fuckin hell

It’s shocking.


You have to be honest with lads.

Hey @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy maybe we were too quick to the punch to criticize @thedancingbaby for his antics in Glasgow in 2006. As he sat on that Kerbstone on the London road outside what was then Parkhead, we were appalled as shit stained tears made their way inside his mouth and down his ouesophagus - he was for many years made an object of ridicule and disgust. But what if he was just ahead of his time? what If his consumption of his own foecal matter was to protect this planet and to sound a clarion call to the world that we need to think about what we are consuming and to explore other nutritional avenues, rather than the inadvertent actions of a man who balled crying after shitting himself?


That’s beautiful. Can I use that quote on the dust jacket of a book about a journey into autocorophagia I am writing.

Cc @anon78624367

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Thanks mate

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I’d find it very inconvenient not to cook myself a nice meal every day. I might get some huel for the kids though.

I leave it out on the counter overnight and I find they manage to make themselves most mornings.

The 3 year old hasn’t had solids yet sure and why would she need to in todays advanced society.

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Are you seriously going to impose your bigotry on a child?