Hunting & other rural pursuits

I had a wee dram of some plum poitin last night. I bottled it two years ago. Absolutely glorious. Had a wonderful 8.5 hr sleep after, which may or may not be coincidental.

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Talk to me. Iā€™ve poitĆ­n there. Whatā€™s the particulars?

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Same as Sloe Gin or Blackberry Whiskey. Wash and dry the fruit. Make sure its good and ripe. Pop into the freezer for a few hours to soften the skin. Into a kilner jar with sugar and booze. Then wait for a few months. Decant through a double muslin and bottle. Reuse the boozy fruit in deserts.


I think itā€™s the poitin part that deserves explanation

Iā€™m getting giddy here thinking about the bonfire this evening. Three tyres, heaps of plastic, cardboard, miscellaneous rubbish and something I havenā€™t burned before, insulated plasterboard.

Supposedly you get a great thick black smoke off of the insulation.

The way I look at it Iā€™m saving the planet from the scourge of landfill, not clogging up the roads with the trailer on or burning diesel heading to the dump.

Halloween is great!



Plum brandy when done properly is ( was dynamite)tuica in Romania :romania:
Itā€™s their take on poitin only much bloody stronger

Bought a cola plastic bottle ( normal not large) back to a old boy in Derry who wa on about it
That he tasted similar before and teas pish
Anyways brought in the bottle
Sat it up on front of him
ā€œ go on big man neck it - only a small bottle ā€œ
He did and less than a minute later hit the deck

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Thatā€™s the official alcohol content

Iā€™m the mountains in Transylvania itā€™s fuckin rocket fuel
Made from prunes
Plums etc etc

Be great for the constipation. A few lads here could certainly do with a dose of it.

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Some would have you believe that aeroboard doesnā€™t burn, but it does. It burns very well.


Just ask Kingspanā€¦


Polyurethane foam. The smoke off that is about as toxic as it gets. If tonight is your last post, weā€™ll know why.

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What in the name of jehovah are you doing in the carpathians?

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Was there 12yrs plus
Casa de copii
Worked in orphanages aids tv clinic s etc
Great time in my life tbh
The best
We were gallavanting 7/8 times a year
Lucky my boss was my mate

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Married a Romanian
Lived with 2 others
They ran
And I ran


A life less ordinary :ok_hand:

I suspect you were sex trafficked


I wish

Btw whatā€™s sex?
Vaguely remember that word


Dirty if done properly, a miracle if done rarely, kinky or perverted depending on whether it involves just the feather or the whole entire chicken, a farce of a carry on whatever way you look at it.

