Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

That isn’t what is being discussed.

What is being discussed is why can’t Galway do with Canning what LK do with Gillane or Tipp did with Callinan.

It’s because Canning can’t do that, physically or athletically or pace wise.

If anything, Galway could use Conor Whelan in that role. He has the necessary attributes ,possibly.

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They have good ball and shite ball landing up there. Tipp have by far the least tactics of any of the top teams. The ball into him is good because of the runs he makes. Canning had plenty of poor games in full forward also. Callanan is the highest scorer from play in championship of all time despite basically having a 3 year break in the middle of his career

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He’s half crippled at this stage, he was well able to do it, beat people with runs and turns when he was younger but he rarely if ever had the game plan or ball in to maximize it. Look at his goals against cork in 10 league final, against kk in Leinster in 09, in the all Ireland in 12 among countless others.

There was a play in the middle of the second half when Jason Flynn didn’t bother his bollocks chasing someone and it didn’t look great. Especially as Flynn probably would have caught him.

I thought Canning was excellent today. I’d be in the school of thought that he’s way more effective there.


Mate, Mate… Relax. I’m not saying Canning isn’t as good as Gillane or Callinan. I’m simply saying that he’s not, or indeed he never was, able to play the role Gillane plays now or Callinan plays. Canning is close to the best of all time, but in my opinion as an 11.

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No, for some reason people have taken Glas’ comment, added in Gillane, and are now saying Galway should play with Canning in a role like Callinan and Gillane. For reference

Glas’ reference was to Callinan being played at full forward and basing the team tactics around him. He didnt say Galway should play like Limerick or Tipp. Not every full forward has to play like Callinan or Gillane. Again, to go back to the original point made, there is no reason Canning cant play full forward and be excellent.

The argument is whether you lose his playmaking ability and point scoring by being on more ball in the middle, or whether you get more scores and close to goal attacks by having him full forward.

That was an awful attempt of a shot from Flynn after that run where he had the goal at his mercy. Concannon should have buried that goal chance from the free that came off the post. Goals the Achilles heel of that Galway team.

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Exactly. Canning could play in a 3 inside no problem if the game needed changing up.

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And our point is that we’ve all already seen him play full forward for years and he has been far more effective and less one dimensional on the half line

So ye’re all wrong

Canning has as good a set of wrists that the game has seen, has very good vision and is strong and can win his own ball. But he was static enough in his movement as a full forward in my opinion which meant he could be stiffled or nullified at times especially if his team is on the back foot. He was still dominant at full forward just not unmarkable - but nobody is.

He is more consistent at impacting things in the half forward line as you can stand and trade with his man a lot more along with reading and drifting onto the breaks. as these opportunities present themselves a lot more further from goal and has lead him being more of of a consistent figure in games


On much weaker Galway teams. Now that the team is better, its surely a thought to see if it gives them a different dimension.

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Yep not able to work them at all

Fair enough, I don’t know who brought Gillane into it, maybe twas myself.

Glas said why can’t Galway do with Canning what Eamon O 'Shea did with Callinan. The point stands. They can’t because he’s not that type of player to play that type of lone role that Callinan did under EOS

Canning for me in closer to the goal would have more of an impact for Galway.

As a Limerick supporter the further out the field he is, the better to be honest.

Joe McKenna was


but again, thats not what he said

Getting the best out of Canning at full forward is not the same as playing the same sort of role as Callinan.

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