Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

The cork man should be ashamed of himself

Has he a beef with Fitz as well?

Or to the Waterford players that time - “I’ve got two All-Ireland’s and you’ve got fuck all.”

Or chasing referee Colm Lyons down the tunnel after the Limerick match in 2015?

Or coming onto the pitch to abuse another referee and making physical contact with Jason Forde, resulting in a suspension for both?

You’d have a bit of sympathy for him if he wasn’t a complete hypocrite.

Well done Brian Lohan, he has totally got in his head.


He’d be fairly anti the Fitzgeralds in general I think it’s fair to say

Davy seems very reluctant to bring in new personnel to the panel. No sign of players like Aidan Rochford or Jack Cullen in the panel after they were standouts in the club championships. The team/panel suffered from being pretty much the same as 2019 with no development.

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If that was the case, every incident of a shoulder is automatically a free against the player with the ball, regardless of who initiates it or how they meet. You are able to tackle a player in possession of the ball by shouldering them. The cork player ran towards the tipp player. They met shoulder to shoulder and both players had a foot on the ground. I don’t think it needs clarifying that the player with the ball can withstand that shoulder tackle by bracing himself legally by staying side on and one foot on the ground.


Galway really missed Cathal Mannion yesterday.

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Yes, it’s become fairly annoying to see him picking the first fifteen from around seventeen players, with the two left out then the first subs on. He might then use another two subs in the last 5-10 minutes. It might be okay tipping away as an unused sub or extended panel member when things are going well, but why would you bother with it if you’re not given a chance in an underperforming team?

Davy is one of a few people to have won an all Ireland with his own county as a player and a manager yet he is openly despised by Clare fans. He should sit down and think about that before throwing stones at everyone.

It’s one thing to be hated but to be hated by your own takes a lot of doing.


I suppose some lads enjoy the status of being on a county panel and may believe that they’ll eventually get their chance. I’d imagine it’s hard to turn down too. My concern would be that Davy wouldn’t introduce last years minors quickly enough. First Leinster title at that grade since 1985 would suggest that there should be a few of them coming through in the next 2 years.

Fuck off


The worst vitriol spouted at Davy comes from his fellow Clare folk .

Ah lads, what a Fanny of a statement

My work here is done mate :slightly_smiling_face:


I didn’t see what you were at initially but you did it wonderfully tbf

Carry on sir

Davy is far more a sinner than sinned against. I don’t know if it is small man syndrome or him being a spoilt brat to some extent but everything is seen as a personal slight.

This unfortunately is the problem with Clare Gaa, the Fitzgerald’s see it as their birthright for some reason only know to themselves and anyone who had the temerity to ask a valid question about either Davy’s antics, management style or Pat’s role as secretary is seen as a dark force and out to get them and they are not to be questioned.

The 1995/1997 is full of fairly easy going and quiet fellas off the field who have little or no ego or would be ones to hold grudges yet pretty much to a man none of them have any time or anything to do with Davy and his antics. Davy could well have been Mickey Harte and had 20 years in the Clare gig if he could have kept his own ego in check. He had bags of goodwill built up in September 2013 yet it was all completely eroded in less than 18 months - takes a special type of character to be able to do that.


Why is his father still county secretary? Surely you only serve one term and have to move on? Nearly seems like a dictatorship that he’s there so long.

If that’s a free against Ronan Maher we’ve reached the logical end of hurling.

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He has a full time rolling contract. Croke Park made a number of secretaries full time in 2007 for 5 years. In 2012 Croke Park pulled out and this then became a rolling contract agreed by the Clare executive until the redevelopment of Cusack Park was completed similar to what Frank Murphy did with PUC. Development is long finished aside from a car park at the cloister end which has Japanese knotweed which can take up to a decade to clear so the executive keep renewing his rolling contract.

He has been secretary for close to 30 years and deserves credit for the effort put in. But the role of a secretary has changed immeasurable in that time but how Pat operates has not.

Sure Loughnane went to war with everyone inside in Clare and outside it. He mentally and physically abused lads, himself and Mike Mac.

Is he hated?