Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

Good to be progressive

Game’s gone

Good man PJ

Advantage Wexford

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Yellow sliotar is easier to see both on tv and live. I think it’s a great idea

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Can see why they are doing it, but that yellow sliothar is ugly.

Color isn’t the problem. The lightweight nature of the sliothar is damaging the game

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Fewer 1 v 1 duels which is a pity but the modern game, knock out stage championship is still an amazing spectacle.

A retraction for me, but whichbiz great for the players is the number of games. Hate seeing empty seats.

All championship games where a team cannot be fielded due to COVID issues will result in the game being awarded to the other team

Including the final?

Laois will be promoted at this rate :muscle:

Apologies the All Ireland Semi Finals and Finals are exempt, as well as games which could have you relegated to a lower tier.

U wot mate?

This confirms this year’s championships as a total farce.


The gaa should Pull the championship and start fresh in 2021.

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This is gonna be a great championship

It would be nigh-on impossible to complete the championship without doing this. We’ll be lucky to see it get kicked off at all tbh.

Most club championships ran just fine using this. Most of the time it meant an odd player would miss a match because he was awaiting a test result or was positive.

High stakes here, with professional set ups. There will be all sorts of shenanigans, with teams penalised for honesty, and it’ll be full of what ifs. It’ll be diverting, but debased.