Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

Every u10 manager in the country is on Amazon to order one for Christmas.

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As noted earlier, the whiteboard was the difference between the sides. You could say there was only the puck of a whiteboard between them.

Expect to see an arms race in whiteboards going forward, with county boards spending significant portions of their budgets on bigger and better whiteboards.

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Wait until they find out JP has paid for little ear pieces placed on all the players. Kiely and Kinnerk at the controls, guiding them through the match, play by play.

Kiely lost the rag there when Willlum got blown for a throw which is very peculiar for John. He’s usually very composed on the line

It was not a throw and Hegarty was not over the line for the point he scored. Some very poor decisions this afternoon.


One aspect of Limerick’s set up I’ve noticed this season is the way Kiely wears his beanie hat. He has the front of it, the Limerick crest, dragged around to the side of his head so “Adare Manor” is prominent on his forehead instead. It must be written into the sponsorship agreement.


It’s listed as item number 1 on his legally binding contract, pal.

He who pays the piper…

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Christ Duignan was doing some whinging

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Harking back to the days lads would be smoking fags at half time

Offaly could do with a whiteboard or two


The ref could not see it

He was woejaysus to listen to. Added absolutely nothing pining for a return to ground hurling. He was obviously still fuming after the loss yesterday. Surely time for RTE to add a recently retired player like Dowling.

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The combo of him and Marty is painful to listen to

Duignan would be better served spending his time sorting out domestic matters

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What do you mean. Duignan’s favourite team won the Leinster Final yesterday so I was expecting him to be pretty chipper.

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Ground hurling in November after a fucking Monsoon all weekend. Thick cunt


Well I’d prefer Marty to Canning all day


What do mean by invested? Wexford is run on a shoe string.

The two of them were desperate to listen to today. Offered nothing. Marty has a face for modeling balaclavas and a voice that would crack a glass eye.


Amen to that. “Daw-Hee Burke”. Painful to listen to.