Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed



Pat Vaughan, was he captain for a bit then got injured?

Hard to argue with that. You’ve been looking at divers for years, we have to take the expert view when we get it.

Last time I vouch for anyone.


Those were more innocent times, God be with the days

He was captain during the Sparrow years

Ye I remember. His cousin used hurl with us. Croisin lad. Pat got injured iirc.

Was left off by Davy in 2012. Was an excellent club player and the main man on those crushers teams that made 5 county finals winning a couple. As good a club hurler in the county from around 2005 to 2014

Can’t recall the last time I missed a Galway Tipp championship clash… Its not natural at all.


I’d like to wish the Galway lads all the best in the Semi Final.


01 for me I think.

Had just come back from a summer in Canada and the father had no ticket for me. He got one late enough himself. Think it was reduced capacity that year.

I went out on the absolute tear on the Saturday night and came back around 4am. The agreement was that if the father had sourced a ticket for me Saturday night (don’t think he had a mobile phone back then), he’d have a note left for me in the kitchen and we’d be leaving early (I shit you not, he was on the road at 6am). Anyway, no note, so I hit the hay and watched the match at home.


+1… They’d actually give Limerick a game

I don’t know what to do with myself this morning. Think I’ll go down the fields and knock a wall and rebuild it.


And fleet as deer, the Norman’s ran
Through Corsliabh (?) Pass and ARDRAHAN

I was above in Hill 16 that day in the company of a load of Toom/Portroe/Nenagh heads. Twas a septic atmosphere, a lovely edge to it where you be looking over your shoulder every few minutes in case you’d get a belt.

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Ye are going to win this handy enough. Step away from the wall


It’s a wet and misty morning here in Limerick, Hopefully it clears before 1.15pm - it’s due to.

The LITGG can be a ropey enough pitch at the best of times and I fear today will be no different.

Two interesting games in store. I suppose the big question in both is can a team coming off a tough loss, one who emptied the tank and the other who fucked it away, rally against a team who’ve had a big morale-boosting win?

I think the balance of the Galway team is better than last week with the addition of the experienced pair. That said, Tipp had a far better team on the field by the end of last week than they’ve had at any point to date. They looked on the ropes for large parts, though, and it was as much Cork’s ineptitude than anything else that got them over the line. Galway by a couple of points.

In PUC, the big question is can Tony Kelly dominate again? Clare need a few others to step up big-time if he can’t do it all on his own. Clare are limited, but dogged and stubborn. Pound for pound, Waterford have better players and balance but will it be enough? They left it all on the field last week but fell short. I’ve a sneaking fancy for Clare to edge it.

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I wouldn’t blame you pal. Ye lads have the weight of the nation on your shoulders today. It’s yere duty and responsibility to end the reign of the current AI champions* and if ye can’t find it within yereselves, if ye can’t go to the deest depths of yere souls and humanely destroy the 1 in a row Tipp outfit I’ll be awful disappointed


Are you a dinner at 1 in the day man?

:face_vomiting: :cry:

I thought my days of watching Galway tipp on a screen were over.

I’m pacing around trying to watch the rugby to think of something else but no good. Gonna take the car for a wash in a while for no reason. Desperately need a small stone wall to get me through an hour.