Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

You rarely see someone whip on it like the start of that clip anymore. There’s a great fierceness to it.

But Shane O’Donnell who had been a starter all through the league and a regular contributor in the championship with 3-1 in one start and four substitute appearances in the championship up to that point is a shock?

It was a bold move at best but was well flagged beforehand and his huge scoring performance obviously made it a noteworthy move but there was no real surprise that he was put into the starting line up.
Walter Walsh starting the 2012 A/I replay and bagging 1-3 and MOTM was what I would consider a shock as he hadn’t featured in league or championship up to that point and wasn’t even seen as someone likely to be in the match day 26 up a few days before the replay.

I think a poll is in order here.

Was it a sensational move or not?

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A nice end to the year if they could be competitive at least and go out on their shields, which is what should have happened last year till Limerick fucked it up.

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I’m with Big Mick McCarthy here. Starting your 7th choice forward is hardly a shock of epic proportions; but it’s the type of thing the media latch on to and like to sensationalise.

I would Wally starting in 2012 was a much bigger surprise.

Obviously it was an unbelievable performance from SOD, probably unexpected.


who said it was a shock of epic proportions? It was a big call.
He didn’t start the drawn game or even get a run off the bench
Honans injury was kept quiet and he had a big enough profile from his u21 days

It might have been known or expected inside in Clare but it certainly wasn’t outside the county

It would be the equivalent of starting Pat Ryan over Mul in 2018 final the morning of the match and noone knowing Mul was injured. That would raise an eyebrow or two

It was exactly that, the previous year they had tried to invent some fantasy rivalry between Shefflin and Canning making out Shefflin was a journey man who picked up a hurl for the first time in his twenties * whereas Joe had the weight of expectation of the county on his shoulders since the age of 14.

*Shefflin was a gifted underage hurler.

That’s not the point.

Was whatever the lads are arguing about a sensational move?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Its a sensational call because he scored 3-3. If he scored 2 points and got taken off after 55 minutes nobody would have batted an eyelid

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I don’t know about that, but starting Richie English in an AISF after being out all year would be madness.


If he is the first sub in the full back line I’d rather start him than bring him on with 20 minutes to go, if you start him and he’s going bad you can change it. If you bring him on with 20 minutes to go and he goes bad you’re fucked really

It’ll be down to training I’d imagine. He must be fit enough if he’s training. Is he playing well enough to take a place?
The Limerick reserves are a stronger test than Galway, let’s face it.

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Tell us never

If the Galway hurlers can match the effort being shown on the INTERNET this week nothing will beat them

If Richie English is fit, I’d start him. I’d rate him very highly so I would

A kind of madness befitting of Limerick

We’re gonna batter all round us and no more about it

Back to our 2017 levels, the omens are good. There was nothing we could do in '18 but box shadows when ye wouldn’t come out to play. Thank god ye found a bit of backbone this time.

I think Nash is there to be cleaned out, so I don’t think it would be as mad as all that to start English if he’s training well enough.

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