Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

I’m not too pushed. You’d want to be taking it fairly seriously to go to such lengths

We know Mike, shur you post pictures incessantly.

Some craic in fairness

Careful, you’re bed sores will start acting up

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An even bigger * than 2 18 when the ref got them over the line in the semi

That was desperate Gil but somehow** they found a way.

**a wad of cash from JP

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It’s mad to me how fellas take the fortunes of their countys hurling team so seriously, or assume that anybody else would give a fuck who wins 5 minutes after it’s over. Apologies to anybody who has a relative on the team, that’s just fine.


Granted, there are way more important things in life. But it’s an outlet.

It must be cold up there on your lofty perch


Poor @carryharry , you are creating an entire new level of seethe

Fascinating to watch :popcorn:

What d’you mean? I had a read through a couple of hundred posts from last night and today, it’s a bit mad, it’s a game of hurling played by lads who are from the same county as you, there’s no credit to anybody but the players and I’d be surprised if anybody is actually seething, just probably a little bit turned off by a few braggart posters here

Poor Galway couldn’t afford a fella to puck the balls back according to Flatty. Sure the Galway keeper was clean worn out running over and back collecting the balls.

You’ve decided there the levels of support that’s acceptable or how serious lads should take something.

Fairly lofty

Theres been a steady stream of bullshit since Limerick won in 2018. It generally happens when someone from outside the big 3 wins it. It always has to be down to conditioning or some perceived advantage because you know they’re not one of the big 3 that win with their wrists

I’m sure i speak for a few others (it’s an opinion, I’m entitled to it etc) when i say that it’s a bit odd to read right across the forum about this hurling team and their exploits, Covid, beer, boxing, lookalikes, vaccines, weather, ethnic minorities etc etc,

It always comes back to the Limerick hurling team, nobody really cares, nor would they if anybody else won

Obviously I’m seething though


Some stench of seethe of that post.

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Theres two sides to every debate on here and theres been plenty plugging and chipping done since limerick won. Obviously lads are going to bite back?
Are they not entitled to their opinion.

Why are you so worried what lads are interested in?

I could say the same about you posting your running times and routes on here. Nobody really gives a fuck but you seem to enjoy it


That’s nasty
There’s running threads here, none of which i set up, I post in them but haven’t done so in months.

Cuntish reply.

So you think it’s ok for you to shit on peoples interests? Its not nice is it?