Hurling - The Hand Pass Rule - a thread

Nasty stuff here

Kilkenny got 4 points against Wexford from this. Wexford score. Justin Barrett Junior with the instant puck out to Deegan or R Reid & over the bar.

It’s just bizarre that people think this is right.

They’d want to be fair free if Murphy could pick them out.

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:face_holding_back_tears: me too. Especially after the Kk Dub farce. I’m like, where is the game that I love?

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It’s at your local club ground and underage games. But the lesson from football is that before long what you are watching at intercounty level appears at your club ground as well, so someone needs to get on top of things fairly soon. Unlike in football where rule changes were clearly needed, in hurling it’s a simple enough fix where refereees just need to ref to the rulebook rather than reffing to please the loudest voices.


This has come from the advantage rule. The ref is watching for the foul, not steps, the foul comes and the arm goes up for advantage, more steps, ball is eventually played with a result ie score = no free, no score = whistle for free.
It’s not what the advantage rule was for. It’s instant VAR in the refs head but they are missing the obvious in the steps.

Agreed. Offaly Tipp last week and even Offaly Laois on Sat were heart warming.

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Is there an actual rule that says a player if under a challenge can take extra steps? As in the player takes three steps, gets a belt of a shoulder and is given legal time to compose and move on? Is it written down or it’s a case of “ah shure…”

Like 99% of hurling rules it is “ah shure…”

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It is wild west stuff with different referees and it can affect the game?

Donal Og is beyond a joke on this topic, gillanes first throw is the clearest one you’ll see. The cork goal was also disallowed correctly.

Donal og is a cunt on this.


If you have to slow it down to that extent then it’s not a clear striking action and it’s a thrun ball


This is exactly it.

Hurling is not played in slow motion.

Ah, it’s like the soccer.
A couple of corners were missed in the last round of matches. I won’t say a corner is as important as a peno, but you’d never know.

Even when we are bate and out of the championship we are still rent free in your head.

You pleb

Reminder on this.

Happened a number of times this weekend.


If it’s not an obvious handpass until it’s slowed down and zoomed in on, it’s not a good handpass

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So you can make a perfectly good hand pass but, because you’re too quick, you’re punished?

“Sorry Messi, you’re too quick for the linesman there so we just waved you offside”

By their logic we should bin hawk eye.

Hawkeye won’t work for handpasses - it would ruin the game