Hurling - The Hand Pass Rule - a thread

Hardly logical unless Messi is handling the ball when he passes it

I realise you’re all hurting today, but let’s try stay logical. Given your admittance on the SOD thing I’m wary of your veracity when posting now so I take this to be a ball hop

No that’s not the logic.

The rule book says “definite striking action” to define a hand pass. Nothing about making sure it’s slow enough for a ref to see.

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If the striking action can’t be seen then it’s not definite.


It’s sort of amusing because it got a perfect cork disallowed.

Is that the definition of definite?

If there’s doubt then it’s not definite. If you have to zoom in and slow down to remove doubt then it’s not definite

We should be very wary of what certain factions are trying to do to the game of hurling here

So you’ve to slow down a perfectly legal move just to make sure a ref can see it? Is there any other sport that does anything like that?

No you simply have to make the action legal. Unless you’d prefer we use VAR.

I don’t have a solution but I think it’s mad that we want elite players to slow down or exaggerate a movement just so refs can see it.

The hand pass is gone like checking your mirrors in a driving test.

A very strange analogy and hardly comparable

That’s the issue.

The game was never meant to be elite and now it’s creating all sorts of problems.

Hate to be a pedant but wasn’t it a different Donal O’Grady from Ahane I think who pioneered this with Newtownshandrum and then the cork Donal adopted it with Cork. Rather than the same fell

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I’d have only been talking about the application of it in the Cork squad post Newtown.

I would be on the side of “don’t blow unless you’re sure it’s a throw”

Like how every other foul is policed

Limerick supporters are very insecure and don’t realise it’s an overall problem. I watched 2 club games here in Tipperary yesterday and there was 30 clear throws in both games.

Sure it’s the split season fault.

No matches and inter county teams training like pros.

What were they going to do with all the extra time together? Cross bar challenges ?

On this?

Honestly it’s daft that there even needs to be a debate about it. Cusack labelling it the ‘modern handpass’ last night summed him up.


Ger Cunningham, no?


Whats to be insecure about, it seems to be all tipp moaning about throws, style of play etc. Theres a book of clichés for excuses at this stage

Now you have it