I forward the following motion to the Admins of TFK

I propose that the Alright Sort of the Year be renamed the “John Delaney award” after the finest administrater and alright sort we are ever likely to see.

Can one of you please second this. I am more than happy to run off the poll next January if this comes to pass

Try and use the word “Perpetual” in the official title as well Chewy.

Absolutely. If this does come to pass I will also send Mr Delaney an email on behalf of TFK informing him that the award has been named after him and thanking him for all his great work and for being an alright sort.

Bullshit idea

Go pedal your shit on your own forum.
Fianna Fail and John Delaney ruined this country.

seconded with 1 small amendment

the Mr Delaney award shows him more deference

John Delaney is an embarrassment to Tipperary…there, i said it.

[quote=“chewy louie, post: 750120, member: 1137”]I propose that the Alright Sort of the Year be renamed the “John Delaney award” after the finest administrater and alright sort we are ever likely to see.

Can one of you please second this. I am more than happy to run off the poll next January if this comes to pass[/quote]


I’ll never forget the statement he made after Blatter awarded Ireland some shitty fair play award after the Henry affair…
'Sepp Blatterr is an embarrassment to himself and an embarrassment to FIFA’

Not many in world football are brave enough to stand up to the Sepp like that, the English FA would have wilted and excepted the award, but not our John.

I’ll treasure that moment until the day I die.

I’ll never forget the statement he made after Blatter awarded Ireland some shitty fair play award after the Henry affair…
'Sepp Blatterr is an embarrassment to himself and an embarrassment to FIFA’

Not many in world football are brave enough to stand up to the Sepp like that, the English FA would have wilted and excepted the award, but not our John.

I’ll treasure that moment until the day I die.[/quote]
To be fair to Delaney, fair fucks to him for calling Blatter out like that. I just wish he hadn’t asked that we be allowed to go to the World Cup anyway even though we didn’t qualify.

Only if there is a function held to announce the renaming which Mr Delaney attends and puts on a free bar for.

[quote=“chewy louie, post: 750120, member: 1137”]I propose that the Alright Sort of the Year be renamed the “John Delaney award” after the finest administrater and alright sort we are ever likely to see.

Can one of you please second this. I am more than happy to run off the poll next January if this comes to pass[/quote]
Motion seconded and carried. Please let me know if you require any technical assistance with updating the thread title etc.

This is a lovely gesture to a lovely man from a lovely poster on a lovely forum.

[quote=“Rocko, post: 750252, member: 1”]Motion seconded and carried. Please let me know if you require any technical assistance with updating the thread title etc.

This is a lovely gesture to a lovely man from a lovely poster on a lovely forum.[/quote]


This is a load of bollox.
This must go to a poll.

John Delaney is a retard.

[quote=“The Runt, post: 750285, member: 181”]This is a load of bollox.
This must go to a poll.

John Delaney is a retard.[/quote]
I propose that all normal posters boycott that thread if admins go ahead with this ill-conceived notion-I will happily set up a breakaway people’s front of Judea unofficial Alright sort of the year 2013 thread.

[quote=“The Runt, post: 750285, member: 181”]This is a load of bollox.
This must go to a poll.

John Delaney is a retard.[/quote]

Normal salt of the earth Irishmen who think John Delaney and the fai are clowns are likely to be the same people who think trap should be sacked, totti and zlatan are flat track bullies, can only recognise about 2 current Italian players, think the EPL is the only league worth watching and find robbie keane a frustrating cunt to watch.

So you are saying…?


David McWilliams goes into more detail on them in his latest book

I’m sure he has a very clever name for them

Jaysus, TASE may be on to something here.