I have lost interest in

No affluence bias?

In groups and out groups

Stereotype threat, lift and boost

Microbehaviours now :joy::joy::joy:

You could learn something too you know.

Asking someone where they are from is a microagression apparently.

She’s uhming and ahing so much I think even she knows she’s a bullshitter of the very highest order.

It certainly might be depending on the context, an example of that very thing was given on morning Ireland yesterday.

Seriously, give it a proper listen and see if you learn something.

She didn’t qualify the statement in any way.
Anyhow, she’s now stuttered to a close and is asking for a comment.

She just got asked a specific question, but had no idea, and wandered off into a parallel universe. She is a bluffer of the very highest order.

Must be some shithole if the seller was happy to take a snooker table and karaoke machine for it.

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On morning Ireland the other day they interviewed people outside the White House in Washington where BLM has nearly a permanent presence now. One lady interviewed gave an example of being the only black kid in her school and consistently being taken aside by teachers and asked where was she from, how did she commute to school and where do her parents work etc. The subtext being you’re not from here you’re in the wrong school. That’s an example of how asking where someone is from could be considered a microaggression. Knowing you and your affable style I doubt it ever would be in the context of you asking that question, but it is good to be aware of things like that.

It’s in Stockport mate.


I’m genuinely always interested in where people are from, but I love other countries and cultures by and large, though some I find worrying.

In Ireland the blacks hate being asked where they’re from, it makes them feel foreign.

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Me too mate. Tory voters in the UK for example.

I don’t like English Tory voters as a rule.

I’d say you’re riddled with it

Asking a Carkie where in Kerry they’re from is usually the best form of microaggresion I find


What am I supposed to say a Dublin taxi driver so?