I Just got Freekicked

Cunts. Every last one of ye

Yes I did seek legal advise and I de-activated my facebook!

You should have held out a little longer though Mark, I was about to get Dodgy Keeper to write me a character reference!

All in all, well played. I got my arse handed to me

Fair play Burner. Facehop 2011 caught out many wiser souls than yourself. It’s like the paddling initiation that the Stonecutters have in the Simpsons.


Fair play to you Burner


Welcome back. :clap:

Someone posted up commenting on a “blonde one” and I flew off the fucking handle when I saw that! I was a sight to behold in the office yesterday, I cancelled a fucking meeting and all to deal with the pervertgate scandal. If the shoe was on the other foot Id be roaring my ass off laughing.

Welcome back :clap:

So, this blonde you speak of…


Ah lovely stuff. Welcome back Burner.

:clap:Fair play Burner-coming from one who knows your pain.

Nice one The Burner

Welcome back.


[quote=“The Burner, post: 809795, member: 1580”]Cunts. Every last one of ye

Yes I did seek legal advise and I de-activated my facebook!

You should have held out a little longer though Mark, I was about to get Dodgy Keeper to write me a character reference!

All in all, well played. I got my arse handed to me[/quote]

Aboy the kid!


Welcome back.

I’m wondering now does The Burner work for the same employer as me.

Excellent thread title The Burner


Taken like a man. Well done The Burner

That was hilarious stuff

I’m a big admirer of this Burner lad. Not taking himself too seriously. We need more of this.

Imagine the rest of them lads who shit themselves on seeing it and did nothing. I disagree with CLD, Facehop 2013 was a great success, it scared the lot of them fellas away.

Super stuff :clap:

Yeah, I reckon the fusion with the creeps looking for the video made it better than what went before.

H[quote=“The Burner, post: 809805, member: 1580”]Someone posted up commenting on a “blonde one” and I flew off the fucking handle when I saw that! I was a sight to behold in the office yesterday, I cancelled a fucking meeting and all to deal with the pervertgate scandal. If the shoe was on the other foot Id be roaring my ass off laughing.[/quote]
aha think that was me!
We’re all cunts here so you’ll more than likely fit in!