I won't be able to drink to spread covid

You do get a free pass if you’re out foreign. However I’m not happy with this proliferation of photos of trendy craft beers sitting on posters’ sitting room tables on this thread. There is literally (cc Ger Canning) another thread for this.

We go again

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@iron_mike’s old haunt

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Happy memories

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Where’s that lads?

Powers in Clarecastle. Go back about twice a year and always end up with about 4 free pints

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Sure you probably end up buying another ten in there :joy:

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Ah they’re a grand crew in there. I got involved in the club as soon as I moved there. Twas the making of me

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Good on you bud. Time?

Not good, 2:04. Don’t know what happened, died a death on the Carrigohane straight. T’was warm tbf

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It’s very humid. It’s 22k further than most people ran today. That’s not bad at all. :+1:

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Fair play buddy. Dont mind the times.


I’ve entered the Manchester half in October having done very little running over the past few years. I’d be delighted with that time.


Good stuff. Mick doesn’t like the heat

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Went out slowish, picked it up, felt great then crashed. But it was my hip and groin that went. I guess I have a good engine from the cycling so no want to stop, just the body starts to give out. Some finish on Panna though, that was class



That’s the way it’s gone. Breathing comfortably, feeling great generally, then your knee or hip or some bit of your leg starts, and just gets worse and worse. You dogged it out, that’s the thing. My only aim in these things has always been to try not to walk any of it.


How do you refuel yourself when you’re running in comparison to cycling?

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