I won't be able to drink to spread covid

I liked Murphy’s until I tried the Beamish and I was converted. I’d take Beamish over Guinness. Unfortunately practically impossible to get on draft where I am

Did it one a Christmas night out 3/4 years ago. Had only gone out to watch a bit of EPL but stayed out a bit later. Drank 10ish pints of it. Was totally steady and did a full days work the next day (tbh at this stage of my life, ten pints of anything else would have me in the sick bed)

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No Beamish in the wee county either. Strangely, they have a penchant for the Smithwicks though

Fuck you anyway. The last time I had it was last November in Cashmans in Cork. I’m salivating here now

Nom nomnom

Don’t like Smithwicks. A pint of Kilkenny is nice though

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We’re back in Limerick again next weekend. I’ll be having more :drooling_face:


Bertie always drank Bass

I think I owed you that

You’re in a big Smithwicks part of the country alright. Amazing you’d barely see Smithwicks drank in West Limerick

It’s piss.

Any time I drank it I’ve been shitting through the eye of a needle the next day


Where were you? Youd never see it down my way anymore. Everywhere in the city still…id say its far more popular than Murphys now.

In the right place it is a great pint alright

Maybe. But I’ll get you again

It gives me fuck all of a hangover compared to lagers

You bollox

Everything gives me a hangover

If I went out and drank fizzy water I’d be dying the next day


Most good pubs in Limerick city would serve it.
I had it in Willie Sextons, with a side of pizza (cc the RAVENOUS thread)


Total piss.

Only thinking to myself there do they still even sell Murphys. I couldnt tell you last time I saw someone drinking it …when i started supping there used to be a massive Murphys promotion called ‘Time 4 Murphys’. Buy 3 get one free. It used to be 1 pound 60 for a pint of Murphys in the local so youd get 4 pints for a fiver…

I was in Callanans in Cork city centre recently and I had six pints of Beamish it was absolutely smashing. I wouldnt chance it somewhere it wasn’t being sold steady.

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