I won't be able to drink to spread covid


Get in there and start living

In the local this evening, zero food required although it does food. No time allowance. Business as usual.


Great to hear. Even better it will drive the hide under the bed crew absolutely demented

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It’s tough work drinking it under the bed

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Back home now and watching RTE frightening the life out of Ireland


FYI, taxi driver was from the Asian community had a full screen installed. We both agreed it was the best thing for both of us. He was delighted to be back out and about. I was delighted to be out helping the economy.

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I think most sensible people have had enough now of their hysterical bullshite. The lock it down to fuck crew have had their day. Like the Japanese soldiers still fighting 30 years after ww2 ended on some obscure Pacific island. There’s a few here, the type who had “sthay de fuck at home” superimposed on their profile picture on what ever social media platform they use

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Did you, at any stage, use the term “it’s mad isn’t it”?

Let the loosers who want to “sthay de fuck at home” rot away in their sitting room for the next five years whilst normal people get on with their lives

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In all seriousness the pints are lovely but social distancing doesn’t exist. United supporters all on top of each other. Fucking animals.


Nope, hand signals only. Felt bad for the barmen, sound men in my local and all going around wearing masks. You could see they hated it. Normally throwing out the slagging.

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Bruises on your missus arm.


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OMFG :heart_eyes:

Beautiful :clap: :clap:

Magestic :clap: :clap:

Common sense has prevailed.