I won't be able to drink to spread covid

and the steam coming off lads backs inside in the pub

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Did they report you for being a close contact?


You need to up your game kid

I find it a bit indigestible with the mini sliders and cocktails sausages but gawjus on a hot day of moving between muldoons in their Sunday best of Tommy Hilfiger shirts and Ivomec gilets.

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I was in a corporate box for the 2016 final, absolutely pantalooned drunk for the throw in, a once in a lifetime experience

My buddy’s brother in law owns half a box - if you don’t have to talk shop and press the flesh and you get fed and watered it’s splendid


You think that’s good? I was in a corporate for a Billy Joel concert a few years back. Fuck me

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We didnt start the fire la da da da da la da da da da

We might a fine fucking go of it at the 2019 semi final horse and you with tubes and all

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Well I’ll be tubeless in another week or so kid. We’ll raise hell

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I’d want to start training now to keep the pace

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Imagine Dutch Gold on draught.

You’re dead to me

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It’s the third most popular can in Ireland - after Heineken and Budweiser.

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they tried this years ago - getting cheap beers that we selling well in cans in on draught, tuborg and fosters and what not - you could get them for 3 euro a pint, no cunt ever bought them

I’d love a pint


Just the one or ten of them.

Did they ya? Any place in limerick land in with a Dutch tap :sweat_smile:

Jesus it’d be made for clems actually, he’d of ran out.

We had fosters in the Imperial, after about 3 months the tap was changed to Tuborg. The only pints ever pulled were on launch night when there was a few free ones.I never saw a Dutch Gold tap


Fosters runs flat very fast, is it popular across the water? They’d drunk piss as it is.