I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Seen Micky Martin got plans for it alright. Sooner the better.

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They’re useless
All of them tbh


Now’s not the time for radical change, we need to steady the ship and beware of icebergs.

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Mankind has defeated icebergs…no thanks to greta and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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No knives and forks in view this time either :clap:

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For once :roll_eyes:

Fuckit serious sliding doors moment. We could have been besties

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On a v serious note boxty
We need change
I wouldn’t vote SF if there was an alternative government to them or FF FG
But there’s not
This is a personal opinion
Ref 32 counties and abortion policy and their pro European stance etc
I was a provisional SF member for a few years so know the score
Genuinely they’re getting me and mines first preference
Ireland needs a radical change
Needs an emergency housing build policy
Total proper HSE reform
Planning reform
And that’s just a start

If SF can even partial get this I’m with them in reforming Ireland

Realistically they’re the only chance of change

That cunt Leo is not fit for leading our country
Egotistical me feiner
Totally out of touch
SF may even force a reform on tbe judiciary


Again a totally personal opinion

I beg to differ
Young Irish girl died in a fuckin tent last week
Now is the time to change

That appears to have been completely fake news

No way?

Pls tell me ppl wouldn’t stoop so low

Apparently yeah it wasn’t correct

‘A young girl has lost her life’: Unproven claim about homeless death spreads from Facebook to the Dáil
'A young girl has lost her life': Unproven claim about homeless death spreads from Facebook to the DĂĄil

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Those cases are always very complex with a lot more than meets the eye, but certain groups will exploit them to their own ends. Like the poor fella who died sleeping rough across from Leinster House. It emerged afterwards he’d been homeless, got left a house, sold it and returned to the streets.


A pint of Cleary’s finest for one of the finest ever club wins.


That Ballygunner goalie was hard to beat. But you can’t beat a good pint.

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You’re well short of a pint there mate

Enjoy the pints, a sweet victory I’d imagine.