I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Thank you. Exactly the kind of advice I was seeking.

@Bod95 another fine night in Mullingar last night. A grand town


John Dalys?

Who are you tipping up there?

Canton Casey’s. But I was in John Daly’s as well very hipster. Along with a few more. Finished in Caffereys I think it’s called. A lovely pint and a €5 even. What more could you want

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Have boots will travel

This is one of the few threads gives me a hit for Island’s Edge. I think I read on here that it’s being discontinued.

I’m not surprised. The wife, I don’t know what possessed her last Thursday, but she bought a four-pack.

I’ve been shitting like a Trojan Horse ever since. It’s great stuff, but I’m not surprised it’s being discontinued.


Briody’s (and Powers 1817 LVA), the perfect antidote to a cold wet November Wednesday.


Podger didn’t over extend himself putting up Christmas decorations

No. But those decorations delightfully minimalistic so far as I am concerned.

Podge also went minimal in charging me regular Powers price for Powers 1817. “We like to see the Ballyhale people,” says he.

Not often does one feel relucant leaving a pub for Slattery’s in Rathmines. But I do. Which says it all about the greatness of Briody’s.


Briody’s is a great spot. I worshipped there on one of my last trips to Dublin.

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I find it interesting that people who have the same taste in pubs tend to have the same taste in music.

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Would you be into wine or any other tipple?
It seems most of the beverages you post up are chasers and Stout.
Absolutely nothing wrong with that.The reason im asking is from reading your descriptions of various Whiskeys,your palate is definitely educated.



Kehoes. Quiet after the storm.

Walked out of Mulligan’s last night around quarter to eight. Bus burning over the way on Bachelors Walk. One of the maddest moments ever.

No bus home. Walked up Westmoreland Street to the Palace as the Gardaí were massing into riot formation. A parcel of scumbags went to Trinity end of the street. The first two ranks of Gardaí turned to face them.

Had a couple of pints in the Palace. Got cab to Hedigan’s in Glasnevin – never there before, nice spot – and stayed with friends out that way.

We live in strange times.




A boozehound

The Long Hall.

Dublin is some drinking town.


Sticky carpet but what harm.

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