Ibrahim Halawa

Who mentioned his father? You’ve lost me now.

Its not spewing hatred and intolerance to show that the Halawas are connected and support Al Qaradawi (who ironically spews hatred and intolerance), its just fact. Mark Humphrys who i know you clearly dislike has shown this time and time again. The link is proven. It exists. Its not going away.
Did you know daddy halawa invited AlQaradawi to Dublin in 2011 but the irish Government blocked it and barred him from the country?

You are just intolerant of the truth because it doesn’t suit your narrow mindedness.

Objectivity wouldn’t be a strong suit.

Structure man, structure.

Close your hole.

Could one of the mental health experts on this forum please comment on this astonishing claim?

@anon7035031 gets very offended at stuff like this, remember.

Fuckit, I was caught out by that as well. Isn’t it about that lad anymore @HBV?

its very much about him and his family, if you and @Matty_Hislop had read the facts and the evidence in the first place before jumping in roaring and shouting you wouldn’t need to be asking stupid questions like this one.

Jesus mate, will you make up your mind.

have you posted even once about halawa on this thread? jesus the trolling on this subject is desperate, it really brings out the headbangars. its a pity they wont address the issues.

What issues?

are you serious?

the Halawas connection to and support for AlQawadai for one which is specifically what started this episode yesterday.
@Matty_Hislop reckons we are all ‘stupid cunts’ for believing it but bizarrely refuses to say why.

Sure is. A self-admitted rapist arguing that an innocent man should be locked up, you’d almost think they didn’t actually believe anything they were writing.

tut, tut…
As “clinically insane” is a legal term rather than a mental health term, you need a legal expert, mate.
Very poor out of you, frankly.

Dreadfully lame comeback, mate.

You like to try and give it, but you can’t take it.

Clinical schizophrenia is the operative term for what you’re suffering.

Tut tut.


Sigh (in a tone of bored pity).

interesting development for ‘friend of the family’ Al Qaradawi and youd imagine Colm O’Gorman of Amnesty will be outraged that he has been tried and convicted in absentia. i guess this is one terrorist who wont be getting an invite to Clonskeagh now for daddy halawas 70th.

This is shocking but not unexpected from the clonskeagh mosque.
Where are the feminazis? Oh ye they are busy frothing at the mouth over a rape allegation that looks false.
This really confirms what we have been saying, that Daddy Halawa and Ali Salim are a right pair of dirty savages


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Did you see the yahoo on prime time there now?