Ice Hockey Fights

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Is fighting actually accepted in this sport and what (if any) are the repercussions of it? The commentators were very blaise about it. e.g. “He swings right… he fakes left… POW! That was a beaut…” and “Look Bill there’s a real good one starting in the middle, such and such is the smaller man but i fancy his chances in this one” Unreal…

Brutal alright.

I remember watching a New Jersey Devils game where Scott Stevens gave some fella a proper hiding,he knocked 7 shades of shite out of him and then skated off to the bin without a care in the world,great stuff!!

Great stuff The Dunph, I really enjoyed that with my lunch!


Mon Canucks ta FUCK

Funny a lot of these hits are from Canadians but their the ones pressing for a more sanitized game. Yanks are all for the brute voilence. Lets face it, Ice hockey would be boring as fook without it. Game 4 tonight should be good :popcorn:

Good Lord what is this all aboot. Can they not take their beating?

The 6th picture :lol:

The two boys playing air guitar with the mannequin legs :lol:

Those crazy Canadians

Now THATS how you riot.

Go Bruins :clap:

Those scenes would even make Rangers supporters blush.

I had heard vancouver was a bit of a shithole.

They thought the rioting in Vancouver was over the Stanley Cup, turns out it was over Limerick being robbed by Waterford


fuck yeah

That’s Limerick Citaaaaaay

Thats what I’m talkin bout :clap: :pint: :pint: :pint:

What the fuck is that bottle for 100k?

Sugar free Red Bull?

At least they got a free bottle of champagne out of it.

30 litres. Glug glug glug, baaaaaaarrrrrrrrffffffffffff