I'd say in her day

*[quote=“artfoley, post:722, topic:8249, full:true”]

I prefer her with the hair up



Was this on de foreign channels or wha? :man_shrugging:t2:

Little house on the prairie


Nope on poverty one every sunday

Don’t remember it at all, and I’m def in the nominated age-range.

This is her now.


The angelus?

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She was rough even in her day

Michael something was her name if I recall correctly. She was in a show about a nurse after.

Michael Landon Fagan. That was the husband

Nellie Olsen as she is today.

Lovely man, I’d say he went straight to heaven


I was mixing her up with the mother out of the Waltons who is Michael. Michael Learned.

As she is now.

You got there eventually and that’s all that matters

On TG4 every Sunday now.

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You getting mixed up with Michael learned the mother from the waltons

Michael Learned?

Correct. I think.

Nellie was an awful geebag

Ask anyone to hum the tune to Little House on the Pararie and 8 out 10 will give you The Waltons