Idiot of the Month - February Vote

A fair result. Well done Mire.

If its any consolation to you Mary, i thought it was an impressive CV

clearly an alliance hand guiding the people this week. A well orchestrated campaign in fairness.

I do my own thing.

Ya right, you do what Flano tells you, and Flano does what the Mulliance tells him.

Dance monkey dance

hopefully mary will show up soon and treat the title with respect, unlike those two fucking goons shan and flano who went into hiding for a week.
If anyone can put the Idiot back in iotm its Mary.
Come on old girl, your country needs you.

no doubt she is penning some senseless drivel as i type

Funny 'cos it’s probably true. I wonder if Farmur’inda’pity or something will get a mention.

:slight_smile: :smiley: :smiley:

What an idiot you are. Suppose you will reply with Flano has it in the bag next month etc.

March will be Flanos year, i cant see Flano being bet in March!

Irregardless, the mulliance have acted well here, and I hope it continues. It is a shame the alliance couldnt have followed suuit, but hopefully they will learn from the peaceful ways of the mulliance.

So say we all.


March will be Flanos year. How the fuck does that make any sense. The contest of iotm was rigged the last few months. At least there was no shennagians this month.

You’re a bit simple.


Are you going to give us a few words about your month in office shan?

As you well know, the vote is what it is. The Alliance attempted to sully it out the gate many months ago. It is due regard to the Mulliance that they saw fit to be the bigger people here.

However dont get too excited, they havent gone away you know.

But Farmer’s from Leitrim? He’s more Mulliance than Alliance surely? Although he posts and talks a lot of shit so he might best be described as a floater.

[quote=“myboyblue”]Are you going to give us a few words about your month in office shan?

Couldnt do the post justice as I am no Idiot.

[quote=“myboyblue”]Irregardless, the mulliance have acted well here, and I hope it continues. It is a shame the alliance couldnt have followed suuit, but hopefully they will learn from the peaceful ways of the mulliance.

So say we all.[/quote]

in a strange way, Feb seems like a victory for the Mulliance, in fact it feels sweeter than any previous victories.
Acting in the right way makes all of us bigger men.
Do any of the rest of you lads feel smug about the outcome of this one?

Farmer is his own bleeding person.

Oh now, we all know thats not true. Lets not forget the Fantasy Football debacle. Even you must admit that was idiotic.