Idiot of the Month - February Vote

[quote=ā€œHBV*ā€]in a strange way, Feb seems like a victory for the Mulliance, in fact it feels sweeter than any previous victories.
Acting in the right way makes all of us bigger men.
Do any of the rest of you lads feel smug about the outcome of this one?[/quote]

I know exactly what you mean. It feels good to have been the bigger people here. The contest is purer as a result. If only the Alliance could say the same I fear.

It wouldnā€™t be in their blood. Werenā€™t they out looting shops in 1916 when the muldoons were manning the gpo barricades. At the moment of truth they will always scamper the gutless fuckers.

Powerful stuff there WTB.


The Mulliance are a bit like the bouncers in Coppers. They let the little stuff go but will step in when thereā€™s a great travesty to be addressed.

Maire has been online and setting up a new thread for over ten minutes, this is going to be good, hope someone has a decipherā€¦

i think she may be seething

Time will tell;)

ten mins and two calls.

hey supergrass, could you not keep stuff to yourself at all.

Why donā€™t you post my logging in activity over on while yer at it.

I felt it was in the publics interestā€¦

my arse

if you think HiB needed to be told something the dogs on the street know, youā€™re a more worthy IOM than me.

But doing it over on another Forum ā€¦ that bates Banagher

what you on aboutā€¦

Good to see the crown hasnā€™t stopped Mireā€™s rambling posts

I was happy that the Mulliance whip allowed a free vote on this monthā€™s vote, in this time of economic crisis it was far too important to let old prejudices and jingoism to get in the way of the national interest.

Yahup Mahuk. Iā€™d like to thank all the members of the NBC.

Babychams all round

Thatā€™s a girls drink, Iā€™ll stick to my Baileys thank you very much, although I am enjoying a nice 12 year old reserve Jameson this evening.

That sounds really dodgy.

Tis the business Flano, well needed aswell, my legs were killing me before I started my sipping. Did you not go to the Tom Cruiser?

Good on Maire for having the balls to come in here and accept her award, she seems to have more balls than some previous winners thats for sure.

Well done Maire.

Well done you auld bint.