Idiot of the Month - February Vote

This time last yearā€¦

The Puke and Ben were adamant the other was a thick cuntā€¦

A new star arrived on tfkā€¦

Marieā€™s CV was the talk of the forumā€¦

Kev disagreedā€¦

Kev also began the long process of calling out bluffersā€¦

and finally NCC warned us of a story that was going to shock us allā€¦

for some reason it looks like I can still vote in this? Maire is on 21 votesā€¦

yup, now on 22. glad my vote still counts

The original document

Impressive stuff. I donā€™t think maire ever recovered from this outburst.

Laughed out loud at Kevs labelling of people and Maires attempt to spell software.

maybe it was Blarney woolen mills she was on about :smiley:

Jugs got there a year earlier puke :stuck_out_tongue:

I think she knew she was in damage control when she posted five times in a row on page 9. That rush of panic as she realised what she was after doing :smiley:

Well she (assumption) must have really rattled you if you had to resuscitate a year old thread back to the front page.

Whats new WatchTheBreak?

Sorry about this but do you mean page 9 of this thread?