Idiot of the Month - February Vote

It looks like Benny took the mantle up too.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Glad someone else has taken up the mantle because I felt like I was banging my head off a brick wall.

Without a doubt she is the biggest idiot on here and what’s worst she comes across as the definite voice on everything.

If there is one thing worse than an idiot then it’s an idiot that thinks she is something.[/quote]

Muldoons are you listening. Maybe this can be the start of an alliance where we actually vote for an idiot?

The Alliance came first ben, the mulliance was just a response to some shocking behaviour by this mysterious alliance.

The mulliance have downed tools, the arms are still there, but they have been left down.

God willing the alliance will follow suit.

A truce between the Alliance and Mulliance?

This could be a seminal day for the forum and all who sail in her.

I am no P O Neill, I am just one man but my sentiments on this have been known for some time.

Beginning to sound like Foley there.


Good old fashioned competition this month, if she doesn’t win it I will hang my vboots up[/quote]

I didn’t think her post was that bad. It went a bit OTT alright, but basically Farmer challenged her on what she knew about Auditing and she replied with everything she knew!

[quote=“Bandage”]A truce between the Alliance and Mulliance?

This could be a seminal day for the forum and all who sail in her.[/quote]

No, Never.

But Lent is like the Muldoon Ramadan.
We are essentially peaceful people during lent.

See you after Easter :smiley:

Low blow farmer, very low…

[quote=“myboyblue”]The Alliance came first ben, the mulliance was just a response to some shocking behaviour by this mysterious alliance.

The mulliance have downed tools, the arms are still there, but they have been left down.

God willing the alliance will follow suit.[/quote]

The mulliance are a defensive force. When they are attacked they will respond, but in times of peace they live and work amongst the people. But they are always there. Watching, waiting…

Really? I was cringing reading it, and I’ve posted some shite on here over the piece.

I just thought it was funny. Farmer was getting annoyed, challenged her, and she responded with a pretty impressive CV. There was probably no need for all the details, but I don’t think it was as bad as is being made out.

That you’d post a list of career achievements on an internet forum, in a non-pisstaking kind of way, was hilarious. Or at least, I thought it was.

What on earth gave her the need to reply in such detail - and the tone of it. I did this, I did that…

If it makes a 40 plus year old bird feel better about herself to frequent a forum dominated by lads in their 20s, early 30’s and 60’s (Boxty and Rock), and post such a thing then it is pretty damn sad.

As is her constant patronising tone on every topic she decides to post on.

We all did Bandage, we all did.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]What on earth gave her the need to reply in such detail - and the tone of it. I did this, I did that…

If it makes a 40 plus year old bird feel better about herself to frequent a forum dominated by lads in their 20s, early 30’s and 60’s (Boxty and Rock), and post such a thing then it is pretty damn sad.

As is her constant patronising tone on every topic she decides to post on.[/quote]

You moron. What does age have to do with it. She’s just as sad as any of the rest of us on here, no more no less.
Now people can be more or less idiotic, but no more or less sad.

Is this another defence of a Cork person? Christ it is getting awfully sad at this stage.

She brings her age into it by going on about how we wouldn’t know about the recession as we didn’t live through the 80s. Also how would it be possible for me in my mid 20s, or majority of posters on here for that matter, to have build up a CV like that?

She constantly puts her age in our face and how she knows more about life than the rest of us.

Still - it is probably better than putting something else in our faces.

What’s this about this a truce?

I am just voting for MGG because she was acting the bollox

She shops in Superquinn and goes to the gym though so she can’t be all that bad, she just had a bad month, or maybe a particularly bad time of the month

Top bombing farmer

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Is this another defence of a Cork person? Christ it is getting awfully sad at this stage.

She brings her age into it by going on about how we wouldn’t know about the recession as we didn’t live through the 80s. Also how would it be possible for me in my mid 20s, or majority of posters on here for that matter, to have build up a CV like that?

She constantly puts her age in our face and how she knows more about life than the rest of us.

Still - it is probably better than putting something else in our faces.[/quote]

I forgot she was from Cork. But your the one having it out with her, just seems wrong to me your calling her sad.