Idiot of the Month - February Vote

She has the word dixie in her sig kev, ffs, get over it

Not having anything out with her. Just think she is an idiot and think it needs pointing out.

Also how many people have you ‘had it out’ with? Christ - a new person every day nearly.

Totally agree with Farmer here-MGG deserves it alright this month.

And Kev pretending he didn’t know she was from Cork-gas :smiley:

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Glad someone else has taken up the mantle because I felt like I was banging my head off a brick wall.

Without a doubt she is the biggest idiot on here and what’s worst she comes across as the definite voice on everything.

If there is one thing worse than an idiot then it’s an idiot that thinks she is something.[/quote]

big time farmer, the old grotbag mgg has cobwebs on her cunt which wouldnt be so bad but she is is a self opionated skank to boot

Don’t hold back NCC. :smiley:


Please note that I once had a rant at you back in January. That was nothing. This is a rant!

i must say i enjoyed MGGs CV post, in the same way i enjoy carcrash comedy.
You want to look away but theres something about an individual going to the absolute extremes to shame themselves that leaves you watching and cringing, thinking to yourself they should stop that shit now but hoping they wont.


Please note that I once had a rant at you back in January. That was nothing. This is a rant![/quote]

A rant has to be more than one line. Thats just childish abuse (which I am all for!)

Just voted there Uggs.

Hows the canvas going?

Is there anything else I can do to help? How about I flash my tits on the hustings trailer tomorrow?

[quote=“HBV*”]i must say i enjoyed MGGs CV post, in the same way i enjoy carcrash comedy.
You want to look away but theres something about an individual going to the absolute extremes to shame themselves that leaves you watching and cringing, thinking to yourself they should stop that shit now but hoping they wont.[/quote]

Happy to hear that Hi-B, even though I held back I’m glad it still did the job, but do you think it was enough?

Farmer Gaw’help’us’s campaign is now in its 7th month.

Thats an awful long time to be carrying a hard on. At least I know why Uggs and Bondage don’t let him share the flat with them.

[quote=“HBV*”]i must say i enjoyed MGGs CV post, in the same way i enjoy carcrash comedy.
You want to look away but theres something about an individual going to the absolute extremes to shame themselves that leaves you watching and cringing, thinking to yourself they should stop that shit now but hoping they wont.[/quote]

Link please. Or topic at least.

Don’t flatter youself luv.

Those cobwebs were thoroughly dusted this morning.

I’m still gasping, so it’ll take another post or three before I start skanking out some opinions.

However I’m flattered by your sudden interest in me.

Are things really that bad?


Did I get the number of times you’ve nominated me wrong?

You’re the auditor, I’ll accept your count.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Not having anything out with her. Just think she is an idiot and think it needs pointing out.

Also how many people have you ‘had it out’ with? Christ - a new person every day nearly.[/quote]

Its an internet forum you muppet, of course your going to have it out and disagree with people. A couple i have had are consistant alright, but i wouldn’t change it.
NCC - Complete idiot who doesn’t really agree with anyone that doesn’t follow a soccer team in Dublin
Pikeman - Idiot who won’t debate and follows others
Flano - Not really, he’s just a messer, but does say some ridiculous things, mostly for the shock factor
Mac - Good sort who is well up for an argument, but in fairness will agree with a person too if he actually does. Have no problem with that.
Farmer - Don’t even registar on my e-planet, but i think from reading most of your stuff your a moron, but i could be wrong as reading text can be so decieveing
HBV - Disagree on the Cork situation, but virtually nothing else
Bandage - Other than abusing his admin position i’d say he’s witty and and on the ball. Even though his BO’D obsession is a little worrying.:smiley:
Thats about it

I love you too Caoimhaoin you crazy Cork man


[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Its an internet forum you muppet, of course your going to have it out and disagree with people. A couple i have had are consistant alright, but i wouldn’t change it.
NCC - Complete idiot who doesn’t really agree with anyone that doesn’t follow a soccer team in Dublin
Pikeman - Idiot who won’t debate and follows others
Flano - Not really, he’s just a messer, but does say some ridiculous things, mostly for the shock factor
Mac - Good sort who is well up for an argument, but in fairness will agree with a person too if he actually does. Have no problem with that.
Farmer - Don’t even registar on my e-planet, but i think from reading most of your stuff your a moron, but i could be wrong as reading text can be so decieveing
HBV - Disagree on the Cork situation, but virtually nothing else
Bandage - Other than abusing his admin position i’d say he’s witty and and on the ball. Even though his BO’D obsession is a little worrying.:smiley:
Thats about it[/quote]

What an absolute clown.

That post almost takes on the superiority tone of MGG ‘I had a sued a Big 4 firm once don’t you know’ speech.

At least neither of you are classic representations of the Cork stereotype - ha!

I have news for your Caoimhaoin:

You are irrelevant.

Won’t debate what?
I only take part in a good debate when my cheeks are rosy red.

Don’t know what the ‘follows others’ part is about.