Idiot of the Month - February Vote

Hope that Shinzon gave you a stern talking to, myself and HBV* were worried sick about you.

and a good Cork name too.

Indeed some of my country cousins share the name.

[quote=ā€œsid waddellā€]Touch of the Alan Partridges about that remark there.


Fuckin brilliant.

[quote=ā€œsid waddellā€]Touch of the Alan Partridges about that remark there.

YouTube - Alan Partridge - Ladyboys[/quote]

Is that a youg Brian Cowen in that clip? Classic nontheless.

Never seen a IOTM vote on the 2nd page before.

surely Flano has this one in the bag again

Itā€™s losing its lustre, no doubt.

I still havenā€™t cast my vote.

Iā€™m torn between Cian, Flano, Bandage and Farmer.

Cian - I think he wants this too much, and Iā€™m yet to be convivnced that somebody could actually be that thick.

Flano - I have my reasons

Bandage - Made a show of himself in the ā€œWhen Munster Fans Attack Threadā€ even if it was an obvious attempt at a wind up

Farmer - POCā€™s medals

Perhaps it just needs a month of cleansing, to see both factions down tools, embrace, and then let it just be good clean fun, where idiots get their due rewards.

Maybe so. But we just need to be careful about the IOTM and the whole concept. Ideally the competition would bow out when at the peak of its powers, like 5ive, rather than carrying on for eternity and ever more gradually making a fool out of itself, ala U2.

I think this months award will tell alot, if the likes of flano, myself, shan, NCC or HBV win it this month then we might as well scrap the thing as it is only really becoming a points scoring game between the mulliance and the Alliance, i sure hope for the sake of IOTM the likes of Bandage, Cian Foley. MGG(although she is a mulliance member she seems to have wound up tha undecided voters) or BenShermin win the award otherwise it has lost all credability in my eyes

while what you say is true, donā€™t overlook that the last few winners were worthy winners, party politics or no party politics.

All true. But I wouldnā€™t mind seeing Flano win it. Heā€™s an idiot.

That he is, but there have been much bigger idiots than him this month, also Flano has never won the IOTM, he is the IOTM equivalant of Aston Villaā€¦

I believe iā€™m well out in front, so maybe there is a new winner coming.

Its Flanos to lose lads

Iā€™ll pm you on this matterā€¦

Bandage no peeking;)

Just under 3 hours to go and only 46 votes in. A lot of people must be holding back. Reckon thereā€™s another 15-20 votes still to come. Impossible to call this one :wink: