Idiot of the Month - February Vote

How an I a thick cunt:mad:!

There are far too many reasons, but to give you a few, your refusal to give MBB a reason why you left the forum, making up a lame excuse as to why you left, threatening rocko and bandage with yahoo, asking for your username to be deactiveted yet coming back on here with your tail between your legs, your constant virtual sucking off of flano on here,the majority of shit you talk about lads drinking heineken/carlsberg et al yet you openly admit to drinking caramel bailey’s(who are you to judge), joining the flano IOTY group and so on and so forth…I could go on all day

but he’s joined Farmers campaign to elect me IOM.

Leave him off, he can’t be all that bad.


Caramel Baileys is the perfect chaser after a few pints of stout or an excellent end to a fine meal. It’s a drink for folks who actually have a palate and enjoy their food and drink. Goes down well with a nice Cuban cigar I may add.

Anybody who drinks the draught Diageo lagers every single time they’re down the boozer has absolutely no taste and just drink to get pissed.

Thick cunt!

Good comeback, idiot.

[quote=“BenShermin”]Caramel Baileys is the perfect chaser after a few pints of stout or an excellent end to a fine meal. It’s a drink for folks who actually have a palate and enjoy their food and drink. Goes down well with a nice Cuban cigar I may add.

Anybody who drinks the draught Diageo lagers every single time they’re down the boozer has absolutely no taste and just drink to get pissed.[/quote]

Baileys Caramel for the refined Palate? What would you do with a Kir Royale?

No. Don’t say it.

Good Christ. I give up.

Farmer you’re fucked if this ejit is on your side.

Ben wheres Flano today, you’d miss the young buck around the place

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Baileys Caramel for the refined Palate? What would you do with a Kir Royale?

No. Don’t say it.

Good Christ. I give up.

Farmer you’re fucked if this ejit is on your side.[/quote]
Never said anything about a refined palate, I just said the word palate, something that full time Carlsberg drinkers obviously don’t have.

Did you beef up your CV with words like that aswell?

[quote=“BenShermin”]Never said anything about a refined palate, I just said the word palate, something that full time Carlsberg drinkers obviously don’t have.


aren’t you after a fry and a sliced pan there only at lunch, and i think you called it your daily fryup

the more cultured foodies among us are aghast at that slobbery Ben

[quote=“BenShermin”]Never said anything about a refined palate, I just said the word palate, something that full time Carlsberg drinkers obviously don’t have.

Did you beef up your CV with words like that aswell?[/quote]

which words?

Very foodie here today isn’t it

Beef, bread, frys, palate, Kevin Thornton

Puts me in mind for a chipper dinner

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Its an internet forum you muppet, of course your going to have it out and disagree with people. A couple i have had are consistant alright, but i wouldn’t change it.
NCC - Complete idiot who doesn’t really agree with anyone that doesn’t follow a soccer team in Dublin
Pikeman - Idiot who won’t debate and follows others
Flano - Not really, he’s just a messer, but does say some ridiculous things, mostly for the shock factor
Mac - Good sort who is well up for an argument, but in fairness will agree with a person too if he actually does. Have no problem with that.
Farmer - Don’t even registar on my e-planet, but i think from reading most of your stuff your a moron, but i could be wrong as reading text can be so decieveing
HBV - Disagree on the Cork situation, but virtually nothing else
Bandage - Other than abusing his admin position i’d say he’s witty and and on the ball. Even though his BO’D obsession is a little worrying.:smiley:
Thats about it[/quote]

Good canvasing there Kev, you’ve got my vote

[quote=“HBV*”]aren’t you after a fry and a sliced pan there only at lunch, and i think you called it your daily fryup

the more cultured foodies among us are aghast at that slobbery Ben[/quote]
My afternoon fry up I said, jaysus everybody is mincing words today.

I’ll know what kind a man you are by the answer to the following ?

Brown, Red or French

Ben what have you done to flano today?

have you left the poor fucker handcuffed to the radiator again?

[quote=“HBV*”]Ben what have you done to flano today?

have you left the poor fucker handcuffed to the radiator again?[/quote]
Didn’t do anything to him, I’ve sent Shinzon out to search for him, he shouldn’t be that hard to find.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]I’ll know what kind a man you are by the answer to the following ?

Brown, Red or French[/quote]
Sauce, Ketchup and Mustard I presume! None of the above unless I’m having a guilty muldoon dinner, then it’s brown. Norwich is where my condiment comes from btw.

The craic was 90 in the Isle of Man

Touch of the Alan Partridges about that remark there.
