Idiot of the Year - Betting Thread


:o :lol:

Runt, what were yourself and blueboy talking about???


The runt is going to look awful foolish in a few minutes after i read an online tutorial into how to take a screenshot and another one on how to post said screenshot on a forum

I won’t name names but the people who have placed bets with me can have a full refund of their stake before 11 pm if they don’t have faith in me to pay up on my bets…I am disappointed to see runt putting up doctured screenshots


I have every intention of honouring every single one of the bets laid with me.

This is fucking outrageous. :angry: :frowning: :huh: :o :angry:

Ye guys are some fucking jokers.

The award should be handed to Puke and Runt right now.

for what, trying to ballhop runt?

Do you honestly believe i wasn’t going to pay up, especially has rocko/bandage have the ability to take the funds off me and idstribute them…just because you weren’t capable of figuring out how to actually place a bet stop throwing your toys out of the pram

I applaud the puke’s entrepreneurship.


Here Kev, just cause you could handle the process of placing a bet don’t be getting ratty over it.

as I said to you puke if you don’t pay they won’t find you

As i stated earlier, you can have a full refund if you don not trust that i will honour the bet…Also rocko is capable of removing the v-cash from me and distributing it to it’s rightful owners of i don’t pay up

How do we know which “The” is The Puke and which is The Runt? How do we know this isn’t a reverse ballhop by Runt after he admitted to Puke he wouldn’t pay out?


I think if that was the case Puke might have mentioned it by now.
Plus the other persons text is always darker in the pm and your own a lighter grey.


come on runt it is obvious that you are completely in the wrong and i am just an innocent mom and pop bookermaker going about my business…

Sure when have i ever used a row of full stops to break up my posts?..

No, i don’t believe you. I enter my amounts like anyone would, can’t help the technical difficulties the site was having.

I was starting to get suss, so i got out. I’d say Bandage was looking at yer private messaging and warned ye, thats when ye realised ye wouldn’t get away with it and decided ye’d go the ball hop direction.

Neither of ye are to be trusted. Especially Runt now as i see he converses with the pillock of pillocks. :rolleyes: