Idiot of the Year - Betting Thread


I resent that you dickhead.
Dunph is a good buddy of mine and I will converse with him when I see fit.

I just looked back at my records and I see I have no liabilities from you, meaning it has sweet fuck all to do with you, now kindly stay out this as it doesnā€™t concern youā€¦

Why did you bring bandage into this, donā€™t think it has anything to do with himā€¦like something a retard would come up with

Dunph knows who iā€™m on about and i hold him in high esteem. And heā€™ll know who iā€™m on about as well.

Stop trying to deflect away from your disgraceful carry on.

Kev coming across as awfully bitter over all this, donā€™t think it is runtyā€™s fault he hadnā€™t the mental capacity or where-withall to place a betā€¦

I know his type, I have a friend who is a liverpool fan that just like him

I think it needs tob e said at this stage but Puke has my full backing. I have already given him 50 k but there is a 50 k contingency fund form me behind him also. To Puke or to Hell

What disgraceful carry on is this??
I have run my book in nothing but good faith and tried to prevent other punters from getting stung.
Youā€™d want to wind you neck in now boyo. Youā€™ve been ragging on me over the betting ever since you failed so miserably to place that bet.

thanks dan, good to see there is at least one cork person on here who is able to use the vcash functionā€¦


Runt has Puke caught in the net here anyway, the IT head is not one to be messed with.

I particularly like that in all of this banter between the two auld sorts from the West, caoimhaoin still finds a way to start kevving over it. :lol:

Great to have the aul polls back. This forum is built on polls :clap:

Polls and ballhoppingā€¦ah myself and runt are just adding a bit of colour and excitement to it

Iā€™ve no clue what could possibly have Kevin so upset considering he couldnā€™t place a bet but I suppose if youā€™re the seething typeā€¦

Runt, now that there are over 16 runners, I presume youā€™ll be offering each way on four places???

he reminds me of one of them fools you hear giving out about the government and politicians yet when you ask them who did they vote for in the last election they tell you they didnā€™t bother voteā€¦

Afraid not Fran.
The places were set at the start and my book was structured as such.


What happens in the case of a dead heat?

bookmaker keeps the money

Jesus fuck, ye fellas are getting worse.

+1 Kev.

Runt, what were you IMing the blueboy about? This is what troubles me most about this episode.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

He was trying to gather support to have you nominated for IOTY

Your stake gets halved on the win portion and the place portion paid out in full.