If you could be in one pub right now

As you are now, not as a young lad etc. Pub must be still in existence at least as of the moment.

Where would you pitch up?

I’d say toners

Jim O The Mills

That the one night a week place

Tis. Christ it’s tremendous fun and the daughters are glorious.



I’d drink more than three

Murphy’s in Brandon

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Never been its on the list.

Long Hall.


Great shout. Mmmmmmm

I might revise my answer to any pub in Dingle. Dick Macks


Fennesseys, on my own , drinking Guinness and with a small one on the side and a bag of cheese and onion ripped open on the counter and no cunt talking to me.


Nom nom nom

You bastard, you’ve me gasping here now.

the cunt has me running off to Kerry again

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We’ll have pints in Fenneseys soon my friend and they’ll taste all the better

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Murphys in Brandon.

I’d be sitting out on the blue bench’s. Looking out on the waves drinking a cold cider as the sun set.

Pure bliss.


Any pub. Any pub at all as long as it has plenty of pints

Beggars Bush. €4.20 Guinness and able to walk home.

Nice pub wouldn’t be in my top 5 in the area though

Yourself and @EstebanSexface have a lot in common

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