I'll sleep well tonight

You aren’t a man until you’ve screeded some concrete. A cunt of a job though.


My arms are sore thinking about it

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 1128019, member: 332”]+1
You aren’t a man until you’ve screeded some concrete. A cunt of a job though.[/QUOTE]

Try doing the shovling to spread the concrete around when your in a massive back yard or buidling and the truck/shoot can only get so far… Like wise, when you are doing the same and the truck can’t get near the place and you’ve to fill/runwith/dump about 30 wheel barrow loads of concrete…great days:pint:

My arms are sore thinking about it[/QUOTE]
+1 utter fucking hardship. Not too bad if you have a crowd but jaysus if there’s only a handful of you there, Christ.

A fucking nightmare when there isn’t… not a bad day for it tho tbf. A 15 min snooze if possible and you’ll be right for tonight.

I laboured with a block layer one summer as a young fella. We were doing a three story house in a tight site surrounded by already built houses. Anyway long story short the truck couldn’t reach the back to drop off the blocks so had to drop them at the front. Also he only had scaffold for one side at a time, so I had to carry them all around the back then up three flights of scaffold. Horrendous.

That put a few hair’s on your chest I bet

I ruled out any career involving manual labour shortly afterwards.

+1 THe best lessn my ould fella ever gave me was putting me with blocklayers for a few summers.


Laboured on sites for a couple of years in Ireland- handy enough. Did three months labouring for a concrete contractor in the states- game over.

Fair play, lads.