I'm a dosser who takes pictures of inane scenery thread



Is there a Chinese on that street? If memory serves me correctly, they used to do a savage buffet on a Sunday. I think it was the Jade Palace or something like that.

Aye. They used to do a great curry chicken with chips

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You’re bringing back memories there for me pal. Lived in Clarecastle for three years. Three wonderful years if I may say so. Used to love tipping in with herself on a Saturday to do a bit of shopping and a stroll around the market. Bit of grub in Grogans (Brogans maybe?)
Also wed hit the town hall restaurant about once a month. Great food


Three wonderful years… in Clarecastle :grin:


Yea and? What’s it to you?

This is the internet… it’s everything to everyone.


Ennis is a great town.

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I’m going to go for a pint now before I pick up Fintan

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You must live in a right cunt hole if you thought Ennis/Clarecastle was paradise.

I have found out who I am again this morning. I’m in a very special place right now

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You’re the one living where you’re told to. Must be great

fuck me, what a pathetic existence you had/have


I’m living in affluence… getting out to the county hotel for a feed of spuds seems to be the highlight of ballymuck where you reside.

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Affluence. Is that what Princess told you?

Eating from a trough in the town hall once a month - You roaster. :joy:

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Gladly branded a roaster. Better that then a “yes man”

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