totally different angle here now and im not sure if you cn buy them over the counter any more due to the fact they can be used to manufacture crystal meth but Sudafed tablets ( contaning ephedrine) are well worth investigating mixing with drink.
They are sold to work as a nasal decongestant but are also used by Gaa plyers to give themselves an extra bit of spark on a sunday morning ( maradonna was fucked out of USA 94 for this)… i know a fella who took a few of them one night before going out, its hard to quantify the impact of the sunstance properly as he would have been off the rails anyway, but its definitly an approach id encourage over the xmas period when say the going gets tough and you are trying to start off day 3 feeling a bit shook.
im still firing the prednisolone into me here for the pneaumonia, 35mg for next 5 days, im hopping along nicely but do feel a bit wired, the adrenaline shots i got the other night were something to behold, pity i was in IC and couldnt enjoy it properly
combination of asthma and pneaumonia
The pneauminia won as the usual asthma meds wouldnt work, asthma then went a bit out of control so more abrasive methods ( adrenaline, intravenous steroids, etc) were needed to get the house back in order… blood-02 saturation level dropped low which was a bit risky but the arabs did a cracking job to get me stable in a few hours ( not that i remember much of it)…
some fucking health system over here, no messing around or questions
Prozac is a non addictive anti depressant. You have to be taking them for weeks before you start feeling the buzz, if you feel the buzz at all. I’m not surprised nothing happened.
I can confirm Sudafed with alcohol is a lethal combination, I did this by accident a couple of years ago when suffering from a cold and having to fulfil a prior commitment - the night was a complete blackout to me. Woke up the next morning with no notion of what had taken place the night before and was regaled a few embarrassing stories of my state from acquaintances, I also had a string of messages from a psychic SMS service I had subscribed to.
Weird way of asking the question but yes, I suffer from depression. I was initially diagnosed 9 and a half years ago, went on medication and had many years of being well. Then at Halloween 2011 it all blew up again. Medication hasn’t worked this time around so the last year has been a real struggle. I lost my Dad during the year as well which hasn’t helped matters. I am battling away, trying to fight it as best as I can but let me tell you it’s not easy.
I have often thought about starting a thread on here about depression where posters who suffer from it can go and share their experiences and get support. I think people may be reluctant to do that though. I know I have thought long and hard about admitting it on here. I suppose there is still that stigma there. If anyone wants to PM me about anything, feel free.
Weird way of asking the question but yes, I suffer from depression. I was initially diagnosed 9 and a half years ago, went on medication and had many years of being well. Then at Halloween 2011 it all blew up again. Medication hasn’t worked this time around so the last year has been a real struggle. I lost my Dad during the year as well which hasn’t helped matters. I am battling away, trying to fight it as best as I can but let me tell you it’s not easy.
I have often thought about starting a thread on here about depression where posters who suffer from it can go and share their experiences and get support. I think people may be reluctant to do that though. I know I have thought long and hard about admitting it on here. I suppose there is still that stigma there. If anyone wants to PM me about anything, feel free.[/quote]
Fair play Farmer for being so honest about it. Sadly, as you say, that stigma still exists. If there were more people willing to publicly discuss the condition then it would be a huge help to all sufferers. Hope your personal battle becomes easier as time goes on.
There shouldn’t be. I hope you feel well soon so, Farmer. Having met you in the flesh, I know you’re an alright sort, a man that knows his music and an intelligent sort.
I don’t know a music snob who doesn’t sometimes experience the black dog, to be honest. I think it’s the way our brains are wired.
I was at a course on suicide prevention yesterday and they said that depression etc is far more prevalent in those that are creative/artsy, as the creative part of the brain is very closely linked to the sensitive part of the brain.
jesus, sorry to hear that man,
im not sure if this would be the best thread for a proper discussion on the matter of depression so to speak as there is a bit too much banter flying about the place , currentlly we are discussing going on the beer with prescription medication so i wouldnt like to hijack the thread with a proper discussion on say depression and its affects but deffo i think a thread would be good providing others dont try to ruin it as what usually happens.
Yeah, my brother suffers from paranoid schizophrenia as well, desperate thing altogther, he was diagnosed late teens and there seems to be no way out of it at all, he is taking zyprexin , its basically an anti psychotic med but apart from taking this on a daily basis there seems to be no other intercation with doctors, counsellors or anything,
the parents are getting too old for him now and myself and the wife have given oursellves a job to figure out with services are there in ireland to help this fella, as he is just drifting aimlessly thru life right now, its not easy trying to find out where to start tho
Sorry to hear that about your brother. Thankfully I have never been afflicted with any type of psychosis. I have known of people who are though and it is a truly horrible condition.
he was diagnosed 1st year in uni and was out for a year,
in fairness the writing was on the wall for a while as his behaviour was gone mad and the paranoid stuff he was thinking and saying was frightening, it would have to be seen to be believed, im not going to talk about it in on here out of respect for the lad as enough people know me on here but i could write a small book about the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia and watching someone go down that route…
in the finish we had to committ him, which was the hardest thing i have ever done in my life.
he dosent work, he is incredibly educated and well qualified and is doing another post grad, this is number 2,
my dad paid for this one,my dad hopes one day he might just pull it togther and get a job but this will never happen, but its just my dad’s hope, if he lost that , he’d give up.
the brother is all plans, ideas for a week or 2 but then it can collapse,
the worst thing is there is no treatment, he meets a psychiatrist once every 6 months who gives him a perscription, he goes off and takes 1 tablet a day unsupervised,
he is 27 now, he has no income bar my dad and i am confident unless there is some support group or network for people like him who can work with him to get a job in companies who agree to employ schizophrenics then the future is going to be very difficult.
I hear ya. Has he ever tried attending support groups hosted by Aware or Grow? The Aware one helped me at a particular rough time. I am currently attending Grow on recommendation of my counsellor and I find them good. We are all on first names basis and nobody is treated any differently no matter what sympthoms they bring. There is a lad in my group who sufferers from schizophrenia, has been in Grow for years and has kept it at bay.
To dumb it down a bit, I believe that intelligent people and especially creative people are definitely more prone to depression/ unhappiness/whatever you want to call it, simply because they think and reflect about things more. Studies have also shown that more intelligent people tend to consume higher amounts of alcohol.