I'm going into town now

Heading on now to do the last few bits and pieces.

Maximum efficiency is the goal here.

I’ve the route planned. I have 5 things to get. 3 shops. Anything more than 30 minutes, excluding travel time and I’ll be disappointed


I’ve tomorrow morning earmarked for this (not certain earmarked is the right word there) but I’ve to replace “last few bits” with “absolutely everything”.

I’ll earmark 30 minutes



I’ve one or two small “bits” to square off tomorrow, but they are both fairly niche. One involves a trip into Limerick city centre, but it’s literally only to collect something, so I’m hoping it’ll be relatively hassle free.

#ThoughtsAndPrayers at this time with all those stuck on Tipperary Roundabout trying to get into Childers Road Dunnes.

If it’s Cork you heading to , you’re fucked.

Town was chaotic yesterday.

Having said that I think I’ll head into town myself and pass away a few hours.

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Fucking disaster. Just heading out the door and the missus has added her last few bits to the list.

I’ll have to fucking wing it now. Efficiency ruined. I’ll be in town all day.

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I am in my bollix. I’m going to little island and then back to Midleton

I nailed it guys. Absolutely nailed it.


You’ll find some cheap limerick hurling 2019 souvenirs.
I still have my galway 2012 road to glory t shirt which was reduced to a fiver.
Outstanding purchase.


You’re some man to be finished all that by 2:30. I’m impressed. A serious display of discipline.

Bit of last minute flatty shopping


Got parking by the doors of my targeted shops. Minimal walking. I’m going for a celebratory toasted ham and cheese sandwich now


Well earned. Enjoy it brah.

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Went to Dunnes Jetland earlier.
Mother. Of. God.
40 minute queues for the tills.

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Did you queue?

I had to.
It was sick.

Id take my chances with shoplifting

starting all my shopping tomorrow. I’ll be winging it.


I wish you well.

I ended up drinking whiskey until 2.30 watching NFL… I’m in town now and Im tempted to blow the shopping off until tomorrow and go for a few pints instead…