I'm going into town now

There goes the neighborhood

Fantastic expectation, amazing revelation s


There’s a woman that grew up across the road from me, went to same class on school. Has been in the UK for 15+ years at this stage. Was teaching in some school for rich kids and one of the students was a son of Brown. Think he had reason to pop in a few times. I’d say the same woman wouldn’t know a single song from his back catalogue

Someone you grew up with taught Ian Brown’s son?

Interesting story brah.

So, did you and would you now?

No, and no.

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Neighborhood went when the micks moved in.

So I am

Masked up?

No with the wife

Are the guards at the Blue Bell round a bout today?

A beard so.

After timing here but went into town earlier to buy a few bits and bobs that were needed. I am happy to report that the lockdown is over well and truly. The government need to do the right thing now and open everything open with no restrictions bar the wearing of masks if people choose. The people have spoken. It’s over.

You’re a dangerous little fucker spreading lies .

Better correct my spelling or @the_man_himself will come down hard on me again .

Great stuff mate, you’ve shown great personal improvement today

Oh I’d never be mates with a clown like you .

I’ve helped you here, you should be thanking me. I knew you had it in you to write in a coherent manner

So I am to get a bit of beef for tomorrow. Then I’m coming home and placing my fat hole in front of the telly for the day


So I went I to electrocity this morning with the intention of buying a record player and do a bit of tyre kicking. I was browsing minding my own business while on 4 (four ) occasions I was asked if someone could help me. There wasn’t 5 people in the shop and no queue outside. When the last lady approached me I told him that I had intended in spending a few hundred quid but because of being harassed, I was taking my business elsewhere