I'm going into town now

Your tipping has had a disastrous effect on your tipping.

Still 7 or 8 cards to finish off the year strongly but I’m still well up.

Enjoy! But a wee horsey tip wouldn’t go amiss

He owes us nothing


I went into town for the day with my life partner and we had a lovely time, guys.

We got a southbound DART at 10.37 and disembarked at Dublin Tara.

We went into a cafe called Shoe Lane on Tara Street and bought takeaway coffees. A hipster spot seemingly, as there appeared to be an old sewing machine stuck onto the wall.

We strolled from there onto Poolbeg Street and up around past Trinity College in the splendid sunshine. We were crossing the road at the bottom of Grafton Street when I heard the pounding of feet on the pavement behind us. A man whisked past followed by a couple of women and a lad in security guard garb. “Stop that man. Stop that man. He stole from my shop”, one of the ladies was roaring. The race leader and the 3 (three) person chasing group veered right down Wicklow Street.

We continued up Grafton Street and I noted several empty/boarded up retail units/food outlets still. We made our way into Stephen’s Green where we found a bench to park ourselves for a while. I noted the infamous bandstand remains fenced off. We then strolled around the park and exited in the other corner (ensuring to dispose of our coffee cups in the correct bin).

We then strode into The Shelbourne for our afternoon tea reservation in The Lord Mayor’s Lounge. It was our first afternoon tea experience in The Shelbourne since May 2018 when we treated ourselves before the arrival of our first born and it triggered some lovely memories for us. We decided to go all out and plumped for the champagne afternoon tea option. I sampled 3 (three) teas over the course of next 1hr 45mins - a fruit and nutty Sri Lankan one, a smoking Chinese one and the Irish Whiskey Cream one. We availed of seconds on the sandwich tier before moving onto the scones (plain and fruit) and lemon drizzle cake tier. I had plenty of room for the two tiers of sweet/dessert options after polishing off my sandwiches/savouries. The peaches and cream, raspberry eclair, strawberry macaroon and chocolate sphere were all thoroughly delightful. See picture below.

We settled up with our attentive and pleasant server Eimear and walked back to Dawson Street where I noted 37 Dawson Street remains closed. We turned onto South Anne Street and observed that there was a free table outside Kehoe’s, which appeared to be ideal for people watching and taking in more sunshine. We took a seat and I proceeded to enjoy 3 (three) pints of Guinness over the next 1hr 30mins, while chit chatting and watching the world go by. I was encouraged by the amount of people going about their business and it was also nice to see/hear so many tourists and foreign accents.

At around 4.13pm, we decided we better go home and collect the boys from crèche so we made our way towards Dublin Pearse, aiming for the 4.27pm northbound DART. We were walking along Molesworth Street when Irish TV/radio personality and comedian PJ Gallagher emerged from a building with a lady. I gandered at the venue facade/frontage as we passed and it seemed to be called “No.17” and it’s an event venue “coming soon”. We made our train with a minute to spare and commenced the c.13-minute journey back to Dublin Bay North.

Overall, I really enjoyed my day in town and am already making plans for a return trip on Tuesday, 7 September, to coincide with the Ireland-Serbia association football match that evening.


I enjoyed that post. The picture was a welcome addition, as the positioning of the cakes makes you look like you’ve an angry cartoon rooster head. Also, you might be gay.


Jesus that was depressing. Is this the shite that awaits me when I’m married with kids?


You must be gone as fat as a fool

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He’s fading away the poor lad. She brought him in to town in an effort to get her puddins back.

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Okay guys, in a world where you can be anything, be kind.


You’re looking very lean there mate. :clap: Don’t let cakes and pints become the new normal after all your hard work.

That was a lovely post. I hope you enjoyed your day as much as I enjoyed your post @Bandage


I was delighted to read this. The world is certainly turning right again when @Bandage is going for afternoon tea again. Also, you look extremely trim in the pic. You worked fucking hard for that and deserved to enjoy every tier of that afternoon tea.
Fantastic for you to have a nice day with mrs B.


I had a discussion about this with a cousin today. Kids are the fucking bomb. Literally. Your life goes to shit for a while but you become a much better person and have a much richer appreciation of life and all it entails. That was our take anyway. And then we arranged to go for pints at some stage cos we all need a fucking break.


I’m particularly honoured to give you the magic 10 there old pal. How time flies, but such is life.
It seems like only yesterday you were regaling us with witty posts of hi-jinx at and after associated weddings, ridiculing (insert county) supporters as you battled through wild-eyed rustics to your seat in the Lr.Hogan, furnished us with the shortcomings of assorted Wexican forwards and a multitude of assorted matters.
But, Hey! life moves on, family Matters. I’m delighted to note your development and attention to your better half. Imagine, in 40 years you’ll be regaling the forum with the adventures of the mini-Bandages.

Your well constructed post should serve as a template to all in your position in life, there’s more to be enjoyed than battering hapless teams into submission and going on for weeks about it.

Mar focail scoir……I’d have eaten that stand of buns/cakes myself.


Thank you @Fagan_ODowd, @Juhniallio and @anon67715551 for your unconditional support.

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Such a well written post @Bandage I really enjoyed the normality of your post and detailed explanation of the route taken in town. Wonderful piece, the photo was very considerate as it may have been hard to fully appreciate the afternoon tea. 10/10 for me.

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Superb reportage @Bandage

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