I'm going into town now

Good idea. I got him the one with photo on cover in front of the thatched cottage so will pick up another one

John Creedon ( Cork yes) has a daycent book out now for people of your da’s vintage, a highlights package from the folklore collection, from every corner of the country, I got it for the father in law but I’ve been dipping in and I’ll get my own copy


A book, a bottle of tequila and a couple of records isn’t exactly cluttered with shopping bags. I’d strongly suggest you partake of a hot-toddy (Jameson) and a pint of porter before braving the return journey.
Shopping, or what passes for it is incomplete without a mild libation.


There’s another similar style one called County by County, and also a civil war one if he’d into that.

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A little update from one of Dublin city’s many cathedrals would be most welcome


I love this photo and story of the O Halloran sisters from Clare who fought off (with no little style) an attempted RIC eviction. You wouldn’t cross these girls.


Just back from town there now. Picking up a gift for a pal and getting a spare meat thermometer. Busy but but not off the charts busy.

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Town is busy but not oppressively so. A real Bon viveur vibe.

i I picked up that Creedon book and the civil war book in Hodges Figgis. I picked up Suede and Kanye West records in Tower Records. There was a queue outdide Sheridan’s cheesemongers as I walked to my chosen cathedral (see below). It was not on my list but I’ve mentioned it as a point of interest.

I ran into an old acquaintance in Hodges Figgis while I queued for the till and then another acquaintance as I waited in a short queue outside the Celtic Whiskey Shop/Store. It’s hard to chat to people while queuing as the queue moves and it’s slightly awkward for both parties if you are more acquaintances than pals.

I added a bottle of Micil Gin to my Teremana Tequila in the Celtic Whiskey Shop/Store.

Before all that I stopped in The Duke on Duke Street where there was a lively trade. I chose it over Kehoes on basis Kehoes insists on itself too much especially on days like this and this time of year.


The Duke is grand for a quiet pint when you are doing the shopping.


Lovely mate. Having dealt with an assortment of deranged people all week (both on here and elsewhere) I am currently lining myself up for a launch into the station where I will be meeting ed, damo, Claire, stevo and Matty for pints.
I’ll forward a photo in due course.
Happy Christmas to you and yours. Send my regards to your da. Our mutual pal says he’s a gentleman.
I’m hoping the station is quiet at the back.


Happy Christmas pal to you and all the family. Have a great one. Thanks again for that very large favour.

Enjoy the pints.

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Oh I will. I most certainly will. I’ve them well earned.

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An excellent summation - gives a real sense of the vibe in town.

I’m on my way in now and my anticipation has been heightened by your evocative scene-setting

Have a good one chief :+1:

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Christmas in Cork

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Me. Now. On a bus, on my way to town. Not that excited really. Going in to a party for a woman i dont know. But still, its town on a saturday night!


The potential this announcement throws up is enormous. There’s the drinking V Covid, the doghouse thread, celeb spotting, rideable women, rip off Ireland - I could go on….
You’ll rack up nice post awards tomorrow to bate the band. Be Cavan lads pegging €50’s about like snuff at a wake. Enjoy. :pint: :pint: :pint:


Like a film noir :grinning:


Prescient as always.