I'm on top of the world thread

You are grabbing life by the balls

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It gets better lads. Mrs J and her sisters and mam were all going out to howth for lunch for mothers day. I saw the brownie points flashing and rang ahead to order a couple of bottles of prosecco to be waiting at the table. One of the sisters is having a mare so they rang and cancelled the lunch but werebtold some gent had paid for the booze already. Brownie points nailed. Money returned!


Enjoy the game kid

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Great thinking. Have you ever met @KinvarasPassion ? He’s a maestro at that kind of smooching.

Candlelit dinner for 2


Grand evening for it……

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I was having a quiet pint in the afternoon when I happened into conversation with a gent I hadn’t been speaking to in years. We’d have had occasional nods and winks at matches or funerals but no conversation.
We’re tipping along handily when he casts a furtive look around and says “ Would you mind if I asked you a question that I’m battling with a while”
Fire away says I and I’ll think about it……Another furtive look and here it comes……

D’ya mind me asking but is that your real hair, I never seem the like of it at your age…

I nearly spluttered the mouthful of porter before confirming that it was in fact authentic…I sportingly offered him a closer inspection but he sheepishly declined.

I rambled home feeling a million dollars. The silver fox is right……


I take this back

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Cool but what a morning…


Prime location for a fairy fort. Bi curamach

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3 cuckoo’s singing, a heavy dew on the grass and 7 hours sleep. What more could a man want! (apart from a drop of rain!)


It’s coming….

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These are the days lads. Up early for a hiit session. Swim after, lovely bit of chop to it, then a coffee and the craic. Back to bring Juhy junior off to his Gaa. Just had a few poached eggs, the gaff is clean, I’ve brownie points to squander and the world is my oyster. Happy days.


You’re an aspirational character

On the lash with my best buds 2 of them I’ve known since our first day in primary school in 1978 the other who I’ve known since our first day in ASR in 1986 and who was my best man at my wedding, bliss😀


Enjoy pal

*“*And standing at our leisure till the day broke,

Said some of the best things we ever said.”*

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Meeting for dinner and :beers: with one of my lifelong pals and his missus in Lanza


Me. Good session in the gym this morning, coffee after with the lads, back after to do the pancakes for the kids. School run done. Beach almost to myself and the dog.


Great thread. Spending too way much time at the desk recently, time to stir things up.