The Dating Thread - Part II

What’s done is done

:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:The poor cunt didn’t know what hit her… Hook up incoming I’d wager​:joy::joy:

I know mike, and it cant be undone…but I’ve found that it’s always possible to make things worse

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The lad doesn’t want help cuttin’ fucking briars or spreading slurry FFS (your forté)

You’re like one of them nags the tipster eulogises - Form 000F but with cheek-pieces today.
Travelled keenly, prominent 3 out, found nothing when asked, 11/14. Familiar anyone?

Leave affairs of the heart to Dawn Run types, battlers to the fucking death, hill or no hill…

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She won’t do it again

I’ve emerged from two successful marriages and two even more successful divorces. I can turn my hand to briars, spread slurry, adeptly represent myself in the matrimonial court, make a passable efforts at artisan carpentry (much to the chagrin of @iron_mike) and I won senior county and ulster medals as a tender youth of a mere fifteen years of age.
I’m always open to the views and philosophies of older and wiser men, but I’ll draw the line at the absurd ramblings of a failed teddy boy from the marshiest corner of a pitied parish in a forgotten county


Somebody pick up poor oul’ @anon67715551 there before he croaks…


There’s more chance of you eradicating rushes in leitrim

A failed teddy boy…offft

I’ve signed an NDA.

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Between Sitka spruce, whins and rushes we’re slowly eradicating boohalááns (ragwort).
Getting harder to see the grass, what there was of it.


A fucking stilletto to the heart. The treachereaous fucker, the ultimate headshot. I’m rattled.


After two divorces, there’s only one Teddy Boy around here.

I’m a New Romantic

then and now :smiley:

Doxing wanker

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There were two flies humping on my arm there. I killed the both of them. Worse ways to go I suppose. Closest I’ve been to a ride for a while. Anyway. Back to work.


I’m home for the weekend. Would it be acceptable to throw up photos of some of the mares on Monaghan Tinder/ bumble? The standard women around the town IRL has always been very high, online it looks like a homeless soup kitchen. So many people who just look like they’ve given up.


I would say not. Its bad form regardless if they are good looking. We don’t want to cancel you.

Who the fuck is Derek Ryan? Siobhan’s only favourite artist on her bumble profile. Predictably enough he turns out to be some Irish and Western singer. “Pick a Bail of Cotton” - no thanks.

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