In The Courts

Your man should be charged for being a fucking idiot too.

State of that fucking thing. Barely read a book nevermind the fucking future.


In fairness people who go to (and take account of) psychics wouldnā€™t tend to be the brightest in my experience.

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Very surprised that this lady would attempt to deceive anyone.


Went to one in Woodstock 6 weeks ago for the laugh. Full house. Yer man was a Nordy. Wouldnā€™t be outta place in Deep South- had a great schtik about him. Iā€™d say he left with 10k easy

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She didnā€™t see that coming


Garth from Waynes World has agreed terribly

What an incredibly ugly looking woman.

The Royston Vasey eircode should have given it away

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Hold on. Your saying a nordy psychic made over 10 grand cash in an evening?

She could see him comingā€¦

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People are fair fucking thick though.

Women particularly love all that nonsense. Card readings is another one that people go for.

Easily. Couple hundred there at 20 quid a pop. Private readings after at 60. Raffle at interval was a fiver. He had a staff of five


Did you do the the talking or did he? I find the topic of cold reading very interesting. Itā€™s all about how they frame the question while then tailoring it based on your response. The trick is to let the subject make the actual predictions/connections.

He picked random people from the audience walking around working the room with a mic. Iā€™m sensing aā€¦ big pause ā€¦ a parent who died recentlyā€¦ No not a parent a sibling when he saw reactionā€¦ he was good :blush:

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Hello, and welcome. I sense that you are a person with a deep curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. You have a natural inclination towards exploring different ideas and concepts, and you often find yourself seeking answers to lifeā€™s mysteries. Thereā€™s an air of creativity about you, suggesting that you have a talent for expressing yourself through various artistic mediums.

In terms of your relationships, I see a strong bond with your family and close friends. You value their presence in your life and find solace in their support. However, there is also an indication of some recent challenges or conflicts that have caused a strain in one of your relationships. It may be worth investing time and effort into open communication and understanding to find a resolution.

When it comes to your career or studies, you possess a determined spirit. I sense that you have been working diligently towards your goals, and this perseverance will eventually lead to success. However, itā€™s important to maintain a healthy work-life balance, as I sense some signs of potential burnout or exhaustion. Taking time for self-care and relaxation will help you maintain your focus and drive.

In terms of your personal growth, I see a strong desire to expand your horizons and experience new adventures. Travel and exploration seem to be calling to you, offering opportunities for self-discovery and broadening your perspective. Embrace these opportunities whenever they arise, as they will contribute to your overall personal development.

Remember, this is a general reading, and the interpretation may vary depending on your unique circumstances. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind. Trust your intuition and follow the path that feels right for you.

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Ah stop. Iā€™m feeling an M. Either Mary or Michael. Who may have died or may be here. Hands up

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Did @Ceist write this scutter?

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