In The Courts

It’s a different one. The complainants in this one are all grown adults now.

Fuck. :nauseated_face:

I’d be really embarrassed if I was the claimant there to be honest. If she was severely paralysed or something, you’d say something.

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These are the Oirish Compensation Courts lad, those with an ounce of shame need not apply. Two legal teams and the plaintiff going home happy there, what’s not to like :man_shrugging:t2:

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Her own fucking horse

Christ I fucking hate the horsey set

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Dislocated elbow is no laughing matter. Be sore for a month like

You could get it handy enough :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

145k :exploding_head:

Case during week. It was the lady’s third successful motor insurance claim.

She mugged that fella right off. Waved him on from side road and then accelerated into him… Allegedly.

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Mad case but I would say the minute I read that a 10 year old was getting lessons on a 3 year old mare my eyes nearly rolled out of my head…no fucking way should a child be next or near a horse like that let alone getting supervised lessons on one. All sympathy for the defendant disappeared

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Jaysus the horsey set rallied slowly here

Pretty much everything you said there makes no sense to me at all. Sorry mate.

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No bother. I suppose if you understood the context the payout might have made more sense. Any riding school that was willing to let a child ride an inexperienced horse was asking for trouble is the long and the short of it. The parents who thought it was a good idea need a booting as well


I would think the same as that. And maybe they should be equally liable and forced to pay out half the payment (55k) to their daughter.


The horsey set always wanna blame someone else

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Disturbing case on the news there about 3 brothers raping their sister. Her dad is the father of her eldest child and there are allegations he abused a grandchild as well.