In The Courts

Iā€™ve no sympathy for the auld cunt


You have to be a terrible cunt to abuse an animal.


How does she get her hands on the dogs?

Like horse trainers eh

Would appear to be from this cunt

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closing arguments now.

dont know which way it will go but id say his career in ireland is done now either way

Itā€™s impossible really. To reach a beyond reasonable doubt in the absence of any physical evidence would seem hard. Having little doubt wouldnā€™t seem to me to be beyond reasonable doubt.
Iā€™d not like to be on a jury. In fact, Iā€™d hate it.

but youd see it in other rape/sexual assault cases all the time, particularly in historical cases. theres no physical evidence but the jury convicts. a lot of it depends how compelling the complainant is. as for reasonable doubt, it was described to me once as being to sleep soundly knowing youd sent that person to jail.

Did she not say the one phone that would prove he knew her age was missing?

didnt see that but there was 2 phones they couldnt retrieve the info off.

the judge has given her charge to the jury and they have retired to consider their verdict.

TFK holds it breath

It was strange he released the statement last year saying everything had been dropped and the accuser had admitted they lied?

Was that covered during the trial?

i didnt see anything to indicate that it had come up in the trial. id guess that he threatened defamation action and she stalled him with the apology and then made the complaint to AGS. there has to be significant substance to the story as DPP needs a reasonable prospect of conviction before it will prosecute.

Going by the small snippets Iā€™ve seen of this case I canā€™t see how heā€™ll be convicted.

It boils down to his word v hers. She says she was at his house, he denies it. She says he knew she was underage, he denies it.

thats normally the way in a historical sex allegation. it will boil down to who the jury believes more and from what i saw, he got caught out a few times on the stand and stuff that she said did stand up

My guess was that related to a different complainant & others had made similar complaints? Issuing a statement to declare his vindication only for the authorities to sayā€¦hang on a second there now?

Iā€™m conscious that this is unhelpful speculation & potentially legally damaging for TFK so Iā€™ll cease & desist.

I think heā€™ll be done. Length of time it went on, his position of power within the relationship, her knowledge of the inside of his gaff. ā€˜I didnt knowā€¦ā€™ isnā€™t an angle Iā€™d like to be relying on when the jury goes to considerā€¦

he does have a defence of reasonable mistake in that regard, i suppose it depends on how young she looked at the time

Oh yeah, his behaviour was clearly very shady but I just think (going by the admittedly small bits of this trial Iā€™ve heard) thereā€™s enough doubt to get him off.

The fact she was able to give a detailed description of the back stairwell in his workplace, where one of the offences is alleged to have taken place will work in her favour. He said he never brought her there.

He also said something about finding out her real age at dinner at some restaurant. Turns out the restaurant didnā€™t exist at the time.

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